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Bhrigu Sutram is the English translation of the book Bhrigu Sutram said to have been written by Maharishi Bhrigu himself. It is a forgotten but a very valuable ancient classic of Hindu Predictive astrology in which are described effects of the various planets in the twelve houses of the horoscope, in a very simple, direct, lucid, logical and meaningful manner. The learned author of these small but very useful work has delineated the effects of the planets in the ...
Astrology is not deterministic and it is given to man to change the course of events to avert the misery, agony and disaster threatened by evil influences of certain inauspicious combinations or dispositions or dispositions of planets by taking appropriate remedial measures in time. This approach is quite scientific and is in accordance with the modern line of thinking. Man is, no doubt, a creature of destiny but he is not entirely or absolutely its slave. Man ...
Germs are beautiful stones with a large variety of colours and high density. Their luster has been a source of attraction for the people since time immemorial. These precious stones are found almost in all parts of the world. India has been very rich gemstones. They are found in abundance in South India, especially in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka.
For quite a long time there has been a persistent demand for an up to date and dependable self instructor or Hindu Astrology which could be of practical assistance to those who contemplate an initial study of the subject. This book is unique in the sense that it is written in very simple, lucid and instructive way and lessons prepared by one who has long personal experience of teaching astrology.
'Phaladeepika' holds a most distinguished position amongst the great ancient astrological classics. It deals in a most comprehensive and authoritative manner with almost all the astrological aspects of human life. There can be said to be nothing that this great work has omitted from its purview. Some of the important subjects dealt with in a lucid manner in the book are description and characterstic features of the various signs, planets and ...