Gautam Chatterjee
Showing all 8 books
In the ancient lexicons of Vedic and classical periods, the influence of gama has been parliamentary and pivotal. NÈ yaveda by seer Bharata is a magnum opus dates back to 5th century B.C. The other important works in musicology such as Brihaddeshi, Abhinavabharati and Sangitaratnakara are from post-Vedic and mediaeval periods, distinguishly composed by the great Saivite polymaths. Thus the streams of gama consciousness and the works of Indian art and ...
Tantrasara is an extensive digest and recension of TantrÈloka, a magnum opus by ¶cÈrya AbhinavaguptapÈda. The author himself created this digest to have a comprehensive study of the voluminous text, as this great and important text is not easy to absorb by everyone in a larger study material form. The complete text (10th century A.D.) is a compendium of all TÈntrika rituals and philosophical essence of Tantra, drawn from the light ...
Jnanaganja is an oft-searched state indicated by all great Yogis appeared on this earth. It is hard to find out and perceived by the ordinary eyes. The third or creative eye can have the eternal beauty of this place located somewhere in Himalayan valley assembled by all seers, sages and ascetics including one who has attained the supreme consciousness. This place truly exists and all spiritually enlightened Yogis still remain there, known by Yogis moving around ...
The worldwide serious debate on consciousness has now become off-the-cuff interaction in science and philosophy, especially in neuroscience and brain science, and also in metaphysics. The entire conversation has been shifted from experiencing what is without an atom of psychological yesterdays in terms of 'recent findings. The semantic allegory White Shadow' comprehends all the problems related to pain, evil and existence, epistemological as well as ontological ...
Abhinava Gupta's magnum opus the 'Tantraloka' is a great work in the ambience of tantragama treatise. This percept consists of right descriptions of almost all branches of saiva and sakta agama. The right will to translate the entire work into English (direct from Samskrta) is arisen in the mind of Mr. Gautam Chatterjee. As the result, the translation work of the first chapter has been completed with illustrious footnotes. I pray to Lord Siva, who blesses with ...
Tantraloka is a magnum opus of the Indian Tantrika-world, written in the Tenth Century, in the light of Kashmir Saivism by the great polymath Sri Abhinavagupta. This great work does not only include all the philosophical and Tantrika essence of monistic Kashmir Saivism but is also often considered the apex of Indian Tantrika Philosophy. Abhinavagupta explains in detail in its thirty seven chapters the all-inclusive vision and way to truth, the Prakasa state of ...
‘Negative instinct’ of mankind is as old as our civilization. In order to tackle this human aberration many socio-psychological techniques were evolved. In order to ensure co-existence and harmonious living the concept of law and order came into vogue. Punishment for crime was enforced to have a deterrent effect on the society. In the last millennium these ‘criminal’ activities were diagnosed as ‘disease’ of the society. To cure the ailing society ...