Showing all 2 books
A complete guide to the mammals of South Asia, lavishly illustrated with colour plates and photos. The species accounts cover all aspects of field identification, including in-depth sections on distribution, behaviour, status and population. Anyone interested in the wildlife of the subcontinent will find this book an invaluable aid to identifying and understanding the region''s diverse mammalian fauna.
Volume 1 covers insectivores, bats, primates, canids and ...
A K Sahay is an eminent Indian naturalist, well-known for his wildlife columns in The Statesman. He laments the fact that Indians are often less aware of and interested in the country's extraordinary wildlife than foreign visitors. Partly to help remedy this state of affairs, he has published this accessible photographic guide, containing high-quality images of 130 animal species with Latin names and notes on distribution. In addition, there are sections on ...