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The quality of teaching depends to a great extent on the quality, experience and commitment of teachers towards their profession it is common knowledge, especially in India, that the best brain like to joint wither medical, engineering or administrative services but with all other considerations it is now increasingly becoming a practice to make teaching a well established profession. A well designed programme or teacher education has been prepared and teachers ...
India inherited a system of higher education from the colonial rulers. The colonial powers that were in control of India needed the services of local people for the administrative purposes. But in a way the higher education system was a direct import of the British system in England. When India became independent in 1947, it had to address itself to the need and aspirations of the people and as such reforms in higher education were initiated. The University ...
Higher education is a place where old knowledge is maintained and efforts are made to improve the old knowledge through research. During the last 200 years the quantum of knowledge had doubling every 20 years. Under these circumstances it is the moral obligation of the institutes of higher education to retain the knowledge and to help in the process of the creation of new knowledge. Any Civilization can survive only on he basis of knowledge and scientific skills. ...