Gouri Srivastava
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This book aims to examine the links between gender theory, educational practice and the role of social workers. Based on the study of the private and government schools in Delhi, it brings into light the construction of gender in a school setting and attempts to draw upon an understanding of the reinforcement of masculinity and femininity constructs within the overall school practices.
Analyzing the socio-economic background of teachers in elementary schools, it ...
This book gives a graphic account of the status of indigenous education in the 18 and 19 century. It consisted of classical, vernacular and vocational system of education. This system of education was affected by the impact of an alien system of education, i.e. western education. While classical education i.e. Brahmanical and Persian gradually declined because it could not get the needed patronage and also it could not meet the need of the time on the other hand ...
"The book gives a detailed account of the growth of higher education of women in the 19 and 20 century in Western India. It examines the role of the Christian missionaries the male and the female intelligentsia and later the British Government who were the important agencies involved in promoting women's education. Their efforts helped in laying the foundation of higher education of women which finally culminated in the establishment of the S.N.D.T. ...
The book gives a graphic details about the contribution of muslim women in the medieval, modern and in the contemporary periods. These women mentioned in the manuscript are legend makers of their time. Their achievement are deeply embedded in the print and the audio-visual media. The journey towards their goals is a touching story of their trials and successes which have been vividly discussed in their biographical works and other forms of literary expression, ...
The present book is a collection of articles and research papers on girls’ and women’s issues. They have been published in academic journals magazines and newspapers at different points of time. They highlight the multiple issues concerning girls and women from historical to the contemporary times. Further, the achievements in the field of women’s education and the complexities of problems and the challenges yet to be addressed are also referred to in some ...
This volume presents a brief history of twenty-six Indian women who have made their mark in different fields. These women came from diverse backgrounds and communities and made a mark in different fields they chose to take up. Their journey towards their goal is a poignant story of trials and successes they witnessed at different point of time. Their personal lives are a source of inspiration to both, boys and girls, who can take pride in mentioning them at ...