H A Modi

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Organic acids and amino acids are used in large volume by both food and chemical industries. Organic acids can be utilized to produce natural food additives and value-added chemicals such as biodegradable polymers, acrylic acid, propylene glycol, 1-4-bulanediol and polyesters with annual markets exceeding 2000 million pounds. Recent search for biodegradable salts for road de-icing has developed potential new uses for salts of carboxylic acids. If only 10% of the ...
Due to chemical dominance biocontrol in crop protection was neglected. Soon after, the consequences of indiscriminate use of pesticides was realized resulting in imposition of ban on many of them. This opened new vistas for rapid developments of biocontrol as a discipline. Detailed investigations on the biology and ecology of pest and natural enemies have provided insights which have enabled the control techniques to be used more effectively. Understanding the ...
In food processing and preservation certain chemical substances called food additives are used. These are meant to enhance the overall acceptability of the food in appearance and colour, flavour and texture, mouthfeel and in some cases the nutritive value. Preservatives contribute another class of additives whose main function is the extension of self life by preventing spoilage of food products due to their anti-microbial activities. Food additives have to keep ...
Pollution free environment is essential for sustaining life of all living beings on the earth. While technology included farming is required for feeding the surging population the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides in agriculture has caused environmental imbalance and is causing problems to all living beings on the earth. Ecofriendly farming or organic agriculture or natural farming has emerged as the only answer to bring ...
Functional foods are foods that give therapeutic benefits to hosts in addition to nutrition. Dairy foods and ingredients in general and fermented milk products in particular are well recognized for their nutritional and therapeutic attributes and as functional foods. The market of functional foods, in particular fermented milk products, is expected to triple in next five years world over because fermented milks possess many advantages like easy production, better ...
Bioprocess Technology - fundamental principles and concepts, has used system biology for various purposes and has shown many possibilities. In more recent years advanced process-biotechnologies have delivered many commercially/industrially important products. These developments have convinced many institutes/universities and industries that process biotechnology practice is one of the key areas for research based education encompassing advanced biology like ...
The use of microorganisms for large scale industrial processes is being used since time immemorial, which was long before the realization of the activities of the microorganisms. For centuries, beer, wine, vinegar, soy-sauce and other fermented foods like bread and curd were produced through spontaneous fermentation of naturally occurring microorganisms or the use of carry over microbial seeds from the previous batch of fermentation. The diverse catalytic ...
Except for sterile foods, all foods harbor microorganisms. Food spoilage stems from the growth of these microorganisms in food or in due to the action of microbial heat-stable enzymes. New marketing trends, the consumer's desire for foods that are not overly processed and preserved, extended shelf-life, and chances of temperature abuse between production and consumption of foods have greatly increased the chances of food spoilage and, in some instances, with ...
A professional in dairy field is incomplete without the fundamental knowledge of Dairy Microbiology, which covers the important area of quality management of raw materials and finished products and help in checking the processing efficiency. It also helps in dairy product manufacture through use of selected microorganisms (as starter cultures) and prevent the entry of harmful pathogens to the products, thereby proving the need and importance of Dairy ...