Showing all 20 books
The very diagnosis 'Cancer' stirs up a dreadful wave of intense fear amongst people even today when we have entered the era of high tech robotic and pin hole surgeries wherein people can walk in and out of the hospital within a few hours which used to take few weeks of hospitalization. The treatment of cancer is equally feared because the techniques used in modem medicine today are still quite crude and agonizing. Even today it is common to hear some elderly ...
Modern era is facing the menace of a dreadful disease called obesity which is not only a social stigma but can lead to wide array of other health related disorders like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, osteoarthritis, hernia etc. Various treatment-approaches which include dietary intervention, exercise therapy, medication and surgeries are not able to tackle if successfully and without side effects.
Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana has ...
This book is one of the series on "Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy for modern ailments" published by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana. The authors of this book are both scientists who had carried out systematic research and development these integrated yoga therapy modules in tune with both the traditional yoga texts and the modern medical understanding of the ailments. Research by these authors since 1980 has validated the efficacy of these ...
Man has stepped into the third millennium. Medical men are working with many technologists to offer better health care, world health organization is engaged in taking stock of global health status and taking necessary steps to raise the health standards. Scientific aptit8de that entered medical profession in the beginning of 20th century made rapid strides in eradicating epidemics and pandemics, through invention of antibiotics and vaccines. ...
This is one of the series of books on "integrated approach of Yoga therapy for modern ailments". Published by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana. Dr S S Srikanta is an endocrinologist of renown with contributions to understanding of the autoimmune processes in diabetes with a back record of intense research experience from Harward Medical School. Systematic recording of the process of patients who taught the yoga techniques since 1980 has validated the ...
This book provides useful guidelines for pregnant women who wish to practise yoga to have an easy delivery. Here is a complete description of asanas, regulated breathing (Pranayama) and relaxation techniques profusely illustrated, which they can do throughout pregnancy up till delivery. It also gives information about the physiological changes that take place in mother. There are some interesting Puranic stories also. The key message here is that yoga can be ...
Yoga is a term which has its roots Yuj in Sanskrit, which means to join. It has multiple meanings, interpretations and connotation depending upon the context of usage. According to the great sage Patanjali, Yoga is a conscious process of gaining control over the mind which is a two fold procedure. First is to gain a capacity of focus and concentrate. Secondly learning effectively the claming down the mind. By this mastery, man elevates himself continuously for ...
To be in tune with the spirit of inquiry of this age of science and technology many titles have been published on Yoga under the banner of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation. As a part of the entire global svyasa movement, we now have formed Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana (SVYA) Trust to print and publish many more titles for dissemination and spread the wisdom of ancients. To make available the beneficial knowledge of the Seers, Rishis and Yogis our ...
This is one of the series of books on "integrated approach of yoga therapy for modern aliments" published by Swami Vivekananda Prakashana. The authors of this book are both scientists who have carried out systematic research at the yoga research foundation and development these integrated yoga therapy modules in tune with both the traditional yoga texts and the modern medical understanding of the alignment. Research by these authors since 1980 has ...
This book on yoga and memory aims at compiling the concepts of memory as understood by modern scientists with those of our ancient seers. Also the modern methods for memory development in contrast to yogic methods for the same; and research studies on the use of yoga for memory development.
This book tries to answer these questions, the vital ones of life that come up in all of us as developed human beings. The Secret of Action, the Karma Yoga throws light on these aspects of life. This path of Yoga transforms the work arena into the region of growth. In the first chapter ' the inevitability of action' is presented. The second 'towards action', describes the ways to shatter the laziness. The third describes "the how of action" as the key ...
This is one of the series of books on "Integrated approach of Yoga therapy for modern ailments" published by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana. The author of this book are both scientists who had carried systematic research at the yoga research foundation and developed these integrated yoga therapy modules in tune with both the traditional yoga texts and the modern medical understanding of aliments. Research by these authors since 1980 has validated the ...
This is one of the series of books on "Integrated approach of Yoga therapy for modern ailments" published by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana. The author of this book are both scientists who had carried systematic research at the yoga research foundation and developed these integrated yoga therapy modules in tune with both the traditional yoga texts and the modern medical understanding of aliments. Research by these authors since 1980 has validated the ...