J A F Roodbergen

Showing all 10 books
By reason of their positions at the royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the authors and the editor are exceptionally qualified to write a really practical, comprehensive, and up-to-date book covering all phases of gardening, for their joint knowledge of gardening matters is unique and essentially practical. A glance through the pages of the book will show how ably they have carried out their task. They have set out to write a plain, straightforward book of instruction ...
This volume is 13th in the continuing series with translation and explanatory notes. This volume covers padas 7.4.1 to 7.4.97.
The Astadhyayi of Panini has been planned as a multi-volume series. This work is the tenth volume and covers chapters 7.1.1 - 7.1.103 of the original text.
P 7.3: Survey of the Pada: A. The pada division: As stated in AP IV, p 1, under 2, the division of the text of the A into padas is rather arbitrary, but generally agrees with breaks in the topics dealt with. According to the KV, pada 7.2 ends with P 7.2.118. The discussion in the Mbh ends with P 7.2.117. This is also the end of the second ahnika in pada 7.2. Hereafter the Mbh continues with p 7.3.1. We have stated earlier (AP XI, Introduction, p. xi) that the ...
A. THE MAIN TOPIC, The main topic is anga, continued from P 6.4. For details see AP IX, Introduction, p. ix. B. THE ORGANIZATION OF P 7.2, Pada 7.2 starts with a section on vrddhi rules, and therefore offers a convenient break with pada 7.1 which ends with four rules prescribing a short vowel substitute. Like in pada 7.1 the main types of operations in 7.2 are substitution and augmentation of which augmentation is the most frequent one. Out of 118 rules seventy ...
Astadhyayi literally means 'collection of eight adhyayas'. This multi-volume set is a translation and critical explanation of one of the greatest monuments of human intelligence, and differs greatly from the translations published earlier. Panini provides with the precise knowledge of an old Indo-Aryan language. No other language to this day has been so perfectly described. Why publish another edition of the text of the Astadhyayi, and another translation? The ...