Showing all 2 books
Privatization started after the adoption of new economic policy in 1991 and has slowly and steadily spread to the level of local self-government in general and urban local bodies (ULBs) in particular. In this context, many ULBs are reported to have privatized the collection of revenue from certain sources and provision of some services. A particular mention may be made of the collection of octroi, urban wastes management, maintenance and upkeep of street ...
Ever since the Structural Adjustment Programme of 1991, the concern about the ever growing size of fiscal deficit has developed. In the early eighties it was only the Central Government which was suffering from the malaise of deficit budget, but since then the States have also gone deeper and deeper into the fiscal crisis so much so that the revenue expenditure gap which they are experiencing now has become unsustainable. The book provides both a theoretical ...