Jaspal Singh

Showing all 14 books
Guru Granth sahib is an unparalleled anthology of scared and spiritual hymns, aimed at elevating the human soul to the highest pinnacles of superconsciousness. Its global nature and scope is marked by an inbuilt blueprint for giving an affirmative direction to the contemporary world, racing a grave confrontational situation.
Guru Granth Sahib- The Sikh Scripture offers a comprehensive and across-the-board perspective of Guru Granth Sahib, reflecting its ...
In this book, we have critically examined the impact of rationalization on various aspects of social life. Rationalisation may be defined in terms of this-wordly asceticism, acquisitiveness, and book-keeping, within a rational-legal framework. Rationality may be measured in terms of excess of achievement-orientation over the needs for affiliation and power. As a matter of fact, life devoid of traditions and emotions becomes meaningless. Only the means can be ...
This book contains eight papers submitted for the sessions devoted to the sociology of Work and Organizations of the International Sociological Society (established 1893) held in Rome (Italy) on 12-16 June 1989. The editor acted as the organizer/coordinator for the sessions.
Contribution to Industrial Sociology This book brings together in one volume various essays published by the author (often in collaboration with friends and colleagues). The have all appeared earlier in various journals. These deal with topics such trade unionism, workers’ participation in management, and the impact of technology on society.
The articles and reviews included herein have been written at different times and places under diverse conditions. All the pieces and directly or indirectly addressed to the fundamental theoretical issue of what holds the society together or how the individuals are integrated into their social milieu. This question has been answered here by following the lead given by Emile Durkheim in his celebrated work Division of Labour in Society, and also by seeking to ...
The capital markets play a key role in financial development and liberalization process in developing economies. A well organized capital market is expected to perform disciplinary, allocative and investor protection functions effectively and efficiently. This will lead to effective channelisation of foreign as well as domestic capital flow for corporate growth. As developing economies are prone to threat from external events, it is crucial that they develop a ...
Irrigation is the key input in crop production. Its scientific management therefore warrants study of the related engineering aspects; such as, its application methods, scheduling, crop water requirement and water use efficiency etc. in a systematic way in order to not only save considerable amount of water but to have sustainable agricultural productivity as well. Excessive water application without considering the evaporative needs of the plants is mainly ...
The fund mobilization by mutual funds in India has been on the increase since their inception in 1964, i.e. with the launch of US-64, the flagship scheme of UTI. Again it was in 1987 and 1989, when public sector banks and corporations entered the mutual funds market scene of the country. Further, keeping in tune with the objective of New Economic Policy of 1991, mutual funds market was thrown open to private sector during 1993 in India. Since then, the investment ...
‘Reorganisation of Society’ was the slogan of the French Revolution (1789-1799). The book in hand explains the concepts, theories and methods of research of the sociology of organization. The ins and outs of the matter under consideration have been explained in simple language, using suitable examples. Besides students of social sciences, policy-makers and public administrators will find it useful. The gist of the matter is that adequate organisation is an ...
This book is the result of vision, insight and in-depth research work and persistent efforts of the author. The manuscript provides a brief description of the historical background, types, purposes and defects of examination system in India.