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Women, who Constitute a sizeable proportion of a country's population, are subjected to gender bias and indignities arising out of the age-old patriarchal tradtion. Despite worldwide evidence of the low levels of female participation in social, educational, economic and political spheres, there is still a tendency not to see it as a real problem. This book is an effort to assess the current size of the gender gap by measuring the extent to which women have ...
Schedule tribes have been kept aloof of the development process in the country. Their socio-economic status, education and lack of communication did not permit them to reach the better life and fruits of development. Post independence scenario suggest that many steps taken by national and state governments by spending corers of rupees and several schemes were launched for the betterment of tribals and their proper upliftment. This book is an effort to present an ...
It is a well known fact that Gram Panchayats had been in existence in ancient India, administering justice, looking after affairs of the villages and promoting community life. Panchayati Raj System in India is inevitable. The Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) are the prime instruments of de-centralisation at the grass root level programmes. Panchayats are meant to secure the participation of rural people in various activities of the rural sector. People’s ...
Media and general public have portrayed women in limited, stereotyped ways and most failed to present women’s perspectives that affect women directly and are not really concerned with women’s role in social, political or economic matters. Our national policies have to be intrinsically linked to various events and hence, women will be fully aware of what is happening and this would enable them to appropriately prepare themselves for the future. What we mean is ...
In this book five thrust of areas, i.e., adult literacy, primary education, higher education, decentralisation of management of education and technical education have been identified to make education relevant to the need of the community and also meet new challenges of economic reforms and globalisation. This book discusses the place of women in the Indian society and the education system. It discusses issues such as whether women have made any serious ...
India is poised to emerge as one of the most developed nations by 2020, more literate, knowledgeable and economically at the forefront. No doubt, women will play a vital role in contributing to the country's development. Women power is crucial to the economic growth of any country. In India this is yet to meet the requirements despite reforms. Little has been achieved in the area of women empowerment, but for this to happen, this sector must experience a chain of ...