Showing all 2 books
The Mundas are one of the oldest settlers in India, with their concentration in the Chotanagpur region of Bihar and some adjacent areas in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. The Mundari language is a subject of great interest to both the ethnologist and the philologist, since it is the key to the understanding of the material and religious culture and social systems of all the Munda tribes and it may be taken as the basis for the analysis and study of a number of ...
A pioneering work in the area, by a great scholar, this is the most authentic, exhaustive comprehensive and tested book of grammar of the Mundari Languages. Compiling grammar of any language is not an easy task. It becomes an uphill task, when the chosen language is in feet a dialect without much sources of information in to support one’s academic efforts. In such difficult circumstances, a great work like the present one is really a miracle, It’s a book for ...