K.C. Das

Showing all 8 books
Migration health and development are considered to be the three interrelated issues in the present development scenario. The book which examines the linkages between these three is based on the analysis of both micro and macro data drawn from censuses large sample surveys and field studies primarily conducted in Asian countries with special emphasis on India.
With 20 research papers thematically arranged into five sections on Migration and Urbanisation; ...
This book is an analytical study of socio-cultural consciousness and political participation of Dalit community. Dalit assertions for social identity or for political participation often confront hostility. The Gandhian project, which involved renaming them as harijans alongside campaigns to eradicate untouchability, not only remained confined to the ideational level, but it affected the liberal sanatani Hindu more than it did the dalit. Equally, the Ambedkarite ...
The sole objective of this Encyclopaedia is to present the descriptive ethnographical summaries of 134 Dalit castes of Western India who are categorized as shudra in Hindu social order. Here we focus on the ways of living and the factors that have caused to change their socioeconomic and political life. Summaries of each entry usually provides information on the physical features, history of origin, Social system, rites and rituals; economic activities, ...
The sole objective of this Encyclopaedia is to present the descriptive ethnographical summaries of 213 North Indian Dalit Castes presumed to be part of Shudra verna in Hindu social order. Here we focus on the ways of living of North India Dalit and the factor that have caused to change their life style. Summary of each entry usually provides information on the following aspects: Physical Features; History of Origin; Social Life; Rites and Rituals; ...