K.D. Sharma

Showing all 9 books
Today, much emphasis is given on practical training to agriculture students but no serious attempts have been made for strengthening this aspect of education. Very few manuals are available to the students and scientists working on various aspects of agriculture. Keeping this fact in view, the authors feels the necessity of bringing out a concise and precise manual on "Analytical Techniques in Horticulture". It is hoped that manual will help the ...
In India the national debate on education has been quite broad-based, comprehensive and all-embracing. The NEP 1986 (modified in 1922), therefore, provides meaningful perspectives and indicates what largely needs to be done--the objectives are clearly defined and the strategies adequately pinpointed. We now need three things: a clear grasp of various issues in education, downright avoidance of cumbersome treatises along philosophical lines, and a marked emphasis ...
The work embodied in the present book is comprised of eight chapters dealing with important branch of Indian National Movement. The first two chapters cover the national movement before the advent of Mahatma Gandhi and his constructive programme. The third chapter deals with the mass awakening and people's response to Gandhiji's programme for the eradication of social evils. The fourth chapter marks entirely with Khadi-movement as it was an unique feature of ...
Rainfed agriculture has a distinct place in Indian agriculture, occupying 68 per cent of the total cultivated area and supporting 40 per cent of human and 60 per cent of livestock population. Agriculture in rainfed areas continues to be a gamble because farmers in the rainfed region face many uncertainties. In the light of growing population and demand to increase the food production especially in the developing countries with arid and csemi-arid climate, this ...
Water governance refers to the range of political, social, economic and administrative systems that are in place to regulate the development and management of water resources and provision of water services at different levels of society. Governance issues have important implications on the management of water resources at all administrative levels-national, regional and local-and a prerequisite for successful implementation of any integrated water resource ...