K.L. Bhatia

Showing all 12 books
The traditional system of legal education, for various reasons was not in a position to accept the challenges that came with the changing time. A new approach was then introduced by the National Law Universities which equipped the students with recent technologies, techniques & strategies for coping with the changing needs in the field of law. The ‘Court Room Exercise’ or ‘Moot Court & Mock Trial’ practice is now a part of ...
The book Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law of India Fons Juris of Foundational Fundamentals presents an in-depth study about the foundational fundamentals of textual Constitution of India. Foundational fundamentals are fons juris of our Constitution. Our Constitution was devised on the basis of "The Constitution of India - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", which promotes the understanding of constitutional framework. With diffidence, it brings ...
Expounding transformative Jurisprudence in India is about comprehending the analogy of justices of the Superior Court about the Constitution of India that is a fine document of intellectual activism. The interpretation of the Constitution is not just about its source of power and responsibility, but it is in the eternal words of the Apex Court in Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board v.A. Rajappa, 1978, an exercise in showing how we must not confound the ...
One of the most conceived essential feature of the Constitutions of India and Germany, is namely, federalism, illuminated by the competing traditions, devised by the founding fathers, developed by the growth of constitutional politics, compared with the developments aftermath the World War II as well as decolonization giving rise to a new constitutional culture, viz., constitutional democracy impregnated with federalism, enriched by the judicial decisions, and ...
Perceptibly, the constitutional nicety tells that article 370 of the constitution of India, at the present, stands on the cross roads of confrontationist approach between political as well as emotional predicaments and constitutional convivialities. The contentious notority of political and emotional aspects has made the ongoing debate on article 370 too knotty to seek for an helping hand to bring it out from the self woven cobweb. Its retention in the supreme ...
The courts whether in India or Germany have a valuable as well as indispensable role in the administrative process though through different routes and mechanisms, viz, judicial process intends to censor or control the executive with a sole purpose that an administrative authority behaves in such a way that it must reach "just ends by just means". Judicial role is not "jus dicere". Judges are neither "discusitized" nor "la bouche ...
There has hitherto been a progressive movement, qualitative as well as quantitative, in legal education, and now, it is "Legal Justice Education". Assimilation and dissemination has been the core of "Legal Justice Education". Legal justice education aims at developing the notions and perceptions of justice in the law students so that they think aloud "Justice is a sword which requires no scabbard". The law students at the law schools ...
Trial Courts Management is a study of structural understanding of the trial courts. The idea of court management and case management concerns the trial judges who have to be "trial judiciary managerial" that ultimately have to instill confidence in "justice seekers" that "justice dispensers" are indeed "justice conceivers". The trial court judges, in this way, therefore, are required to become "Trial Managers", ...