K N Prasad

Showing all 7 books
Indian Economy: Before and Since the Reform comprises four parts: part One discusses the Economic Reform of 1991. Part Two first delineates how countries choose between alternative economic organizations in the light of economic ideas as we have evolved and then extends the main conclusions to the Indian context before the Reform. Part Three examines the working of the Indian economy examines the working of the Indian economy from the aggregative and ...
Being the first treatise in a multi-volume series (each vol. self-contained) addressed to the dimensions of development, keeping All-India, Bihar and the relevant other states in the forefront, during a period from 1947 to the present day, this book is the first ever attempt by a scholar noted for his over five decades of teaching, research and publication to produce a work which presents between its two covers a succinct and compact, and yet a comprehensive and ...
In his paper ‘Subject heading and facet analysis’ (Journal of Documentation. 20(1); 1964, Sep,; P. 109-119) Dr. S.R. Ranganathan demonstrated that the Postulational Approach is a systematic method of arriving at the precise representation of subjects embodied in a document or any other medium. The subject is expressed as a combination of different categories of ideas (Basic subject, Facets, Isolates and Speciators or Qualifiers). Once the verbal expression of ...
In this volume brought out to honour Prof. A. Neelameghan, the editors have put together invited papers from eminent information professionals. The papers represent ongoing research in areas of contemporary interest in Knowledge Organization, digital libraries and knowledge management in specialized areas. The papers have been categorized under five major themes: Knowledge organization; Interoperability, Digital Library and Information Retrieval; Knowledge ...
Earth Science Heritage Sites and Community Development in India is being published for the first time. The book gives a description of the various heritage sites present in different Geological Formations embracing a period of more than 1500 m.y. when the first Precambrian Microbial Communities were recognized. There is no Book of this nature dealing with Earth Science Heritage Sites in India. The present volume describes significant heritage sites containing ...
The purpose of this book -- Computer Based Library Information Systems Designing Techniques (Revised Edition) is to give accounts of systems theory to help one to understand the process of systems analysis and design as well as design better information technology based systems in libraries; to describe the methodology for conducting systems study and to explain the use and application of systems analysis and design tools and techniques. This book is written, ...