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The present business environment is vastly from what it was a decade ago. In the wake of liberalisation and globalisation, domestic industry has to gear itself for the new challenges of global competitiveness and quality. Sustainable growth, social justice and ethical issues are the other challenges that need to be met. Ludhiana, the industrial hub of Punjab, stands out as a symbol of hard work and entrepreneurial skills of its citizens. The phenomenal growth of ...
All organizations go through two types of changes: continuous and discontinuous. Continuous changes are incremental and evolutionary, and the process is slow. They are the first order changes where the new state of things have the same nature but with different features. Continuous changes may include better services, innovative products, new markets and location, and improvement in quality whereas discontinuous changes are radical and abrupt with a new state of ...
We are living in very exciting times. Indian economy is now prepared for a steady, significant growth in the coming two decades. Goldman Sachs Global Economic Power study has clearly brought into focus the likely economic power shift the current G-6 led by USA to the emerging large economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) during the next fifty years. As per the forecast, India will become not only the third largest economy but also the fastest growing. ...
The emergence of World Trade Organisation (WTO) has changed the world economic order. Economies of the world are opening up and integrating with each other. India too has shelved the earlier protectionist policy and opened up the economy to the world market. Globalisation refers to widening and deepening of international flow of trade, capital, labour, technology, information and services. It involves liberalization of national and global markets in the belief ...
Globalization of Indian economy has resulted in increased business opportunities both for Indian businessman in the foreign markets and foreign sellers in Indian market. The competition in all categories of products i.e. consumer goods and industrial goods has increased in the Indian as well as in foreign markets. To the businessman of any country, the competition has become stiff both in their domestic and outside markets. The Indian markets have thus required ...