K.R. Rajani

Showing all 7 books
This book attempts to address the crucial issues concerning the violence against women. Explaining the legal safeguards for women in the Constitution of India, it discusses at length the theories related to violence against women, motivations in violence, the various sections pertaining to offences against women in Indian Penal Code, and the horrendous assaults like rape and domestic violence.
It further describes in detail the international and national ...
This book attempts to address the various issues concerning the gender discriminations in the development-induced displacement process in India, with special reference to the Dibbapalem rehabilitation colony in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Presenting an overview of the development and displacement in the state, it assesses the socio-demographic characteristics of the displaced women, their time management and income levels.
Further examining the resettlement ...
The present study is an evaluation of women development and empowerment programmes which are being implemented in the State of Andhra Pradesh. These programmes have been evaluated in terms of funds distributed and number of beneficiaries of these programmes. The methodology adopted for the present study is content analysis. The study has been divided into six chapters.
The National Seminar on 'Morality and Social Policy : A Philosophical Analysis on Liberty, Equality and Justice' was a major academic exercise in clarifying the concepts and arguments employed in Social and Political discourse. Morality, traditionally understood, involves primarily, and perhaps exclusively, behavior that affects others. Hence we may state that morality is the foundation of the Social Policy of any state. Any form of social development is ...
Scientists and Technicians make new inventions to provide necessities and comforts of life; doctors work to eradicate human suffering; Sportsmen & Artists provide entertainment. But What does the study of Philosophy or Philosophers do for their Fellow Men? Cultivation of ethical, moral, cultural and spiritual ideas by studying philosophy at various levels of education can change the mindset of the people. Recent researching ethics and moral science, has ...