Showing all 3 books
Structural masonry in India, especially when bricks are used as masonry units, is substantially different from brick masonry in the west. This is due to the rather low strength of bricks here. The properties of bricks vary widely from region to region and the elastic modulus of the mortar is often more than that of the brick. This book attempts to address this situation by studying the load carrying capacity of such brick masonry. The newly emerging masonry units ...
Building construction using stabilized mud (soil) has been in vogue in different parts of the world for nearly six decades. However, the desirable practices have not been placed on a firm footing due to sporadic nature of the constructions. The situation is complicated due to the highly variable nature of soil as a construction material. This monograph is an attempt to summarise the best practices for the use of stabilized mud. It is essentially based on the ...
This monograph is an attempt to put together recent Indian experience in Energy Efficient and Environment Friendly Building Technologies. The work at CST (formerly ASTRA), Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, is the main source of inspiration for this work. It is intended to be used as a textbook for an Elective Course offered by the Visweswaraya Technological University to students of Civil Engineering. It is also hoped that it will interest practicing ...