Showing all 3 books
Cold and cough are the most common symptoms from which every one suffers. This is because we are breathing air in and out continuously for 24 hours. Hence, the germs, dust particles, chemicals, fumes, smoke of vehicles and other factors which pollute the air are constantly being inhaled. The overcrowding pre-disposes to transfer of germs of cold and cough, from one person to another. It is impossible to control the humid climate, overcrowding and the pollution. ...
Every physician should consider himself lucky as in the pursuit of his noble profession, he can save a life and restore his health. Ayurveda says that the physician should not be satisfied with just practising in a righteous way and curing his patients. He is often considered as a friend, philosopher and guide by the patient’s family. Sometimes he is even respected like God. The physician should see that by acquiring divine qualities he lives a life according ...
Ayurveda describes fever as king of diseases. It takes into consideration the causes, symptoms and site of the diseases and classifies fever into Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja fever and outlines the diet and medicines to subdue the increased dosha. The book comprehensively deals with Ayurvedic Concepts of fever. It deals with Origin, Causes, Symptoms, States, Prognosis of fever along with different types of fever, i.e. Doshaja Jvara, Dhatugata ...