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These Fifty poems were reflections while the author was holding H.D Thoreau Fellowship at Dhvanyaloka in Mysore in 2000. Dhvanyaloka is a ‘Literary Criterion Centre’ founded by Late Prof. C.D. Narasimiah at Mysore. These were earlier published between 2001 and 2004 in literary and cultural journals like Mother India (Pondicherry) Sri Aurobindo’s Action (Pondicherry), Indian Book Chronicle (Jaipur). The Quest (Ranchi) The Scoria (Chandigarh) and Poetry Today ...
In India and abroad yoga seems to be different things to different people, with the result the original and pure yoga as expounded by the great sage Patanjali two thousand years ago actually has become drained, diluted, remote, shallow, unreachable and unrecognizable. The path of True Yoga actually leads one out of darkness into the light; and it is a perpetual Journey into the mysteries of Life. It takes up and leads us unfailingly and unerringly to the heights ...
India is a home of rich spiritual traditions and philosophies. Yoga and Buddhism are the two greatest systems of philosophies given to humanity. The former expounded by Patanjali remained and lasted as pure tradition, while the latter when it was split into several schools. Zen was born from one such school called Madhyamika as it traveled to the far east. Though originated in India, the two are diametrically opposed in respect of ...