K.V. Soundara Rajan

Showing all 9 books
Defying a precise definition, Hinduism (a term introduced by English writers in 1830s), properly denotes the Indian Civilization- with a chequered history of over five millennia. Integrating, as it does, “ a large variety of heterogeneous elements, it constitutes a very complex but largely continuous wholeâ€, covering every aspect of life: religious, philosophic, social economic, literary, artistic…. Unlike the world’s other major faiths, Hinduism has not ...
This book seeks to lift into focus the monolithic legacy of the Rashtrakutas at Ellora, from out of the totality of cave-art there, for the reason that these monoliths perhaps are best suited to understand and reconstruct the artistic, architectural, traditional, religious and cuit interactions and growth-spectra that had taken place in the period from the 8th to the 10th century A.D., very much more eloquently than the study of the cave temple types. Without the ...
The present book breaks new grounds in being among the first such juxtaposed studies of two great focal centres of Rock-cut Art--one in the lower Tamil Nadu and the other in the Upper Deccan. The former of the two centres was reared under the early Pandyan dynasty of Madurai, and the latter, under the redoubtable Calukyas of Badami. The efflorescence of this art, in these two centres, for Brahmanical religion, has bequeathed one of the richest legacies of South ...
The legitimacy of the study of the Deccan for a finite regional cultural assessment is as unassailable as it is logical by the ecological distinctiveness of this region.
Moulded constantly by centripetal rather than centrifugal forces, especially in architecture as diffusing into its triple physiographic divisions of coastal (Aparanta), central (Marathwada) and interior (Vidarbha) tracts; these were assimilatd to become a new and modified art metier.
The ...
Recent Studies in Indian art have amply established the regional character of the style as well as model in architecture. The pan-Indian art history provided the framework within which spectacular centres of religious art and architecture had been nurtured by a galaxy of royal and lay promoters. Of these, by common consent, Tamil Nadu and Kerala form a perennial source of attraction for scholars and connoisseurs the world over. The present book seeks to correlate ...
Kalinga or the modern Orissa has been justly celebrated for the rich architectural and sculptural fare its chief centres at Bhubanesvar, Konarak and Puri display. This book is designed to present the whole architectural growth of these Kalinga temples.
The volume of thirty-one essays by the author, coming close on heels of the earlier volume, under the same main title and covering therin topics on History and Archaeology, is a round-up of some of the significant contributions on the entire gamut of architecture, art and allied religion. The first five essays deal with the formative stages of temples plan, its articulations and interactions under Buddhism and Brahmanism, covering the regions extending from ...
This book seeks to unravel the nexus between the city and the villages in India, the mechanics of it, on the basis of the volume of archaeological evidence in the form of excavations, field studies and analyses of the data related to them, in a manner that its own heritage, both traditional and materialistic, had exemplified. It goes into the roots of the formation and vicissitudes of the bi-polar entities, demographically speaking, that the meandering stream of ...
The second volume of Nagarjunakonda Excavation Report, which is the outcome of a special project undertaken to unveil the extensive remains in the valley in 1954. As a result of this great event, a new approach to combat the total destruction of the cultural heritage was possible by transplanting the ruins. Within a span of six years more than hundred sites were unearthed ranging in dates from early stone age to the late medieval period. Nagarjunakonda came into ...