The Independent India of 1947 was steeped in poverty, ignorance and squalor. An overwhelming proportion of the population was in semi-starving condition, and literacy reached to less than a fifth of the population. The task before the government was gigantic. People’s expectations were also high. The constitution of India has promised almost everything cherishable in this world. But, what happened to the laudable objectives ultimately? How much could be ...
Development and Deception: Experiences from Eastern and North-Eastern India (In 2 Volumes)
The Independent India of 1947 was steeped in extreme of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. An overwhelming proportion of the population was in semi-starving condition, and the literacy had reached less than a fifth. In this situation, the Constitution that came in 1950 opted for a parliamentary form of government, and at the same time promised to the people everything good in this world. A socialist pattern of society, free from exploitation and injustices, was ...