Kamal K Misra

Showing all 9 books
The volume, focused on the rights discourse and the legitimate rights claims of the tribals, is on the new dimensions of tribal movements today that are focusing on forest rights, environmental concerns, and issues of dispossession and development-induced displacement. The articles here discuss tribals’ struggle for livelihood rights, right for dignity and recognition of selfhood. Scholars deal with tribal resistance evident in the Santal insurrection and ...
The dark side of milk consumption remains unknown to the general public, despite the availability of research data by many medical scientists the world over. Attempt through this book is to place these facts before you and safeguard you from premature dearth or needless suffering.
There was a time in the past, when it was possible for a scholar to keep himself/herself up to date and well informed on current literature in his/her field of interest. But due to the increase in the amount of literature available these days, it has become more and more difficult to do so. But for a comprehensive bibliography, even an erudite scholar faced with such a vast amount of literature would lose his/her way, wasting much of the valuable time before ...
The papers in this volume, presented at a national seminar on ‘Social Anthropology in the Era of Globalization’, held at the University of Hyderabad, address the problem of understanding the process of globalization and its impact on the poor and marginalized groups of population which are sandwiched between the dilemmas of primordial identities and the theoretical, methodological as well as empirical lights on various aspects of the process of globalization, ...
The present volume documents the rich indigenous knowledge, local practices of natural resource management and common property resources, and relates them to the process of development among the Konda Reddi of Andhra Pradesh, India. The Konda redid is one of the Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs) inhabiting the North Eastern Ghat region of Andhra Pradesh for centurines and primarily subsisting on swidden agriculture. Even now the Konda redid habitat is in the midst ...
This volume, which is an Indo-American academic venture, contains 18 theoretically innovative and empirically penetrating essays, including an introductory chapter. The contributors to the volume are distinguished scholars from the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, political science, population studies, economics, English literature, geography, economics, etc., with a sustained interest in gender studies in the Indian context. Therefore, ...
ndigenous Knowledge, an accumulated knowledge of the poor and marginalized for generations, transmitted orally, and carefully preserved in the cultural practices of the people, is under severe threat today. Changing environment and deep penetration of the forces of globalization and technologization into the remote areas have many a times made this knowledge obsolete. There is a growing concern that IK ingrained in people's context-specific knowledge of ensuring ...