Kamal Kansal

Showing all 13 books
This book has been written, keeping in mind those students, who are being taught Biochemistry with Physiology. A perfect combination of Bio molecules, their action in body, complications involving metabolic disorder, physiological symptoms, etc. have been stated. All the organ systems of the body are given separately in different chapters. At the end, short notes and clinical terms are given, which at a glance will give all the information about the topic. This ...
This book is very useful for our dumb friends. It yields a comprehensive knowledge about their diseases with their symptoms and suggests their homoeopathic therapy.
The Book apart from giving the summary picture of the drugs, gives also cartoon pictures to illustrate the symptoms of the medicines. This makes the summary more impressive. I am sure this book would be welcomed by the Homoeopathic profession as an interesting contribution of the study of Materia Medica.
We meet with many disease conditions in our everyday life. Antibiotics and painkillers are used indiscriminately with all their side effects. In this situation we are presenting this family kit with instructions on the use of medicines enlisted. It covers almost every sickness in a family. It is hoped that families will find this kit very useful in the treatment of common diseases.
"Diabetes is a disease of modem life" the busy, stressful and short of time life style is proving it ture. Inspite of the best effort from the world of medicine this disease is still baffling the physicians. Heart diseases, cataract, gangrene and sudden death syndrome are some of the most serious results of this disease. Removal of prevailing myths is must to prove the efficacy of any treatment. This book discuss of about diabetes and effective ...
The book by Dr. Kamal Kansal deals with the various diseases of teeth, jaws and tongue and incorporates the homeopathic remedies valuable for these conditions along with their indications. Apart from the treatment it also advises the preventive measures to keep the teeth and oral cavity healthy. This book will guide the readers to take total care of their teeth as well as of their entire family. Book for the public at large. Treatment as wellas preventive ...
Constipation and diseases of anus are gifts of modern mechanical age and the resultant diseases of the anus have spread their tentacles far and wide. A change in eating habits, eatables devoid of fibers, like noodles, chocolate, fatty diet, lack of sufficient exercise, sedentary habits-in short, it can be said that discarding everything natural is the source of these diseases. In this age of advertisements, it has really become very difficult to ...
This compact book serves as a guide to common eye disorders and their management. It explains treatment in simple terms and seeks to avoid jargon and technical details.
Becoming a mother is the real fulfillment in the life of a woman. Several questions strike the mind of the expectant mother. What are those questions for which a woman in particular and parents in general want to have satisfactory answers? This book will provide answers to these questions and necessary information to the expectant mother, parents and all those interested in the welfare and development of woman and child. This book is must for every home.
The present edition of BHMS Guide to Practice of Medicine with Homoeopathic Therapeutics is made keeping in view the new advancements made in the field of medicine and homoeopathic therapeutics. With advent of new diagnostic tools and techniques medicine has evolved into yet another dimension, which made it necessary to include all the advancements in this new second edition. But it was done keeping in view the needs of students thereby staying away from ...