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The physiology of flowering trees has 13 chapters. The first chapter deals with growth and its coordination in trees. The second chapter deals with root system studies in fruit trees. The third chapter deals with morphogenesis and integration in tree organs. The fourth chapter deals with dormancy and germination. The fifth chapter deals with juvenility and senescence. The sixth chapter deals with flowering. The seventh chapter deals with pollination in fruit ...
Most varieties of fruit crops have originated as chance seedlings or through somatic mutation and have been maintained and multiplied through vegetative propagation by fruit growers. Studies on the mode of inheritance of important economic characters of fruit crops are difficult because of the heterozygous nature of plants. Moreover, varying degrees of sexual incompatibility have complicated the situation. The breeding of fruit crops are long term, low efficient ...
“Commercial Flower Cultivation” has nineteen chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction. The second chapter deals with anthurium. The third chapter deals with bougainvilleas. The fourth chapter deals with calla lily. The fifth chapter deals with canna. The sixth chapter deals with carnation. The seventh chapter deals with chrysanthemum. The eighth chapter deals with dahlia. The nineth chapter deals with gerbera. The tenth chapter deals with ...
“Practical Manual of Horticulture” has been divided into identification of garden tools, identification of horticultural crops, identification of vegetable crops, spices and condiments, identification of ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, preparation of seed bed for fruit plants, preparation of nursery bed for fruit plants, determination of thousand seed weight, testing of seed viability and germination, study of polyembryony in Citrus ...
The book “Textbook of Advance Pomology” has twenty one chapters. The book deals with latest production technology, growth and flowering, alternate bearing of fruit trees, systems of training, planting systems, steonic relationship and new promising rootstocks, protected cultivation, gaseous air pollution and fruit crop production, mango, banana, guava, papaya, pineapple, citrus fruits, grapes, litchi, pomefruits, stonefruits, temperate nuts, coconut ...
The present book Ornamental Gardening in India has sixteen chapters namely, importance and scope of ornamental gardening, history of gardening, nursery management, plant growth regulators, flowering annuals and herbaceous perennials, shrubs, climbers and related structures, trees and bio-aesthetic planning, bulbous and foliage plants, cacti, succulents and ferns, orchids, palms and cycades, principles and features of garden designs, indoor gardening, rock and ...