Showing all 6 books
It has been generally believed among different sections and groups of the society that legal education is only for the law students, lawyers etc. But have you ever thought that how important role can basic legal education plays in our daily life. It is very necessary for every person to have certain knowledge of Law, otherwise it would become very difficult for him to tackle several problems, from consumer protection to fundamental rights. One of the reasons for ...
Human right are derived from the dignity and worth inherent in the human person. Human right and fundamental freedoms have been reiterated in the Universal declaration of Human Right, 1948. Democracy, development and respect for human right and fundamental freedoms are inter-dependent and have mutual reinforcement. The human rights for women, including girl child are, therefore, inalienable, integral and an indivisible part of universal human rights. The full ...
It is essential for the layman to have at least a broad prospective of the provisions of law which come into play in our daily lives and work. The Lay reader will surely find this book very useful as the most interesting judgments of courts are put in this book in a very simple and effective manner. One can profitably read through this book and also dip into its pages when confronted with a legal problem.
“ Be Your Own Lawyer” book is an attempt to ...