Lipi Ghosh

Showing all 11 books
Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia: Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making focuses on Rabindranath Tagore’s relations with the many mainland and maritime countries of South-East Asia he visited in the early twentieth century. This collection of essays probes the intellectual bases of Tagore’s theory of civilization, his ideas of East and West, his theory of cultural encounter in the context of South-East Asia, and also provides an in-depth ...
The history of a place, no matter how small, cannot be understood without appreciating the connections ―visible or invisible; random or methodical; haphazard or systematic―it forges with other places across time and space. Once these connections become consistent and durable, they transform into connectivities. Rethinking Connectivity: Region, Place and Space in Asia urges us to look not just for connections but also connectivities. Starting with cases of highly ...
India and Thailand both have age-old histories of ancient civilization and reciprocal socio-political and cultural relations. The book deals with Indo-Thai relations through ages. It shows how as a meeting point of various cultural flows, the region of Thailand carried forward several Indian legacies from the ancient past to the present day. From the days of colonial encroachment till the age of globalization and connectivity, India-Thailand relations have ...
This book has brought together a collection of carefully selected essays on religious minorities in South Asia with emphasis on the post-colonial situation covering Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Authors from around the South Asian region, France and UK use fresh empirical data to present portraits of religious minorities in each South Asian country individually. It is not a study of minority in isolation; it situates the religious minorities ...
The word 'Diaspora' suggests the idea of dispersal and fragmentation. That way, 'Indian Diaspora' means Indian Population Outside India, particularly those who have migrated to foreign lands and in course of time abjured Indian citizenship. In other way, the term stands for the fragments of Indian Population Outside India who are supposedly foreign nationals belonging to the country of their migration. When one speaks of an Indian Diaspora, it indicates widely ...
Identity has becomes an important question in different contexts globally as well as locally in the last few decades. Women Across Asia: Issues of Identities is a book about different aspects of identities among women in various parts of Asia. In spite of differences geographically and culturally, one can find out several strings of identity among women in the continent. This comes out sharply when we look at some specific aspects f culture, society, economy, ...
Prostitution in Thailand: Myth and Reality is a comprehensive research work about prostitution in Thailand. The study looks into the historical evolution of female prostitution in Thailand, discusses the social, economic, political, institutional, and ideological factors which underpin the growth of Thai sex-industry in contemporary times, submits an organised presentation of Thai commercial sex sector, takes to the social dynamics of HIV infection among sex ...