M K Sharma

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Counseling is a theory-based process which helps people to resolve everyday life issues and concerns. Counseling involves talking with a person in a way that helps that person solve a problem or helps to create conditions that will cause the person to understand and/or improve his behaviour, character, values or life circumstances. Counselor or a consultant helps a person sort out issues and reach decisions affecting their lives. Career counselors work with ...
Initially, all modern linguistics was historical in orientation - even the study of modern dialects involved looking at their origins. But Saussure drew a distinction between synchronic and diachronic linguistics, which is fundamental to the present day organization of the discipline. Primacy is accorded to synchronic linguistics, and diachronic linguistics is defined as the study of successive synchronic stages. Saussure's clear demarcation, however, is now ...
Linguistics is narrowly defined as the scientific approach to the study of language, but language can, of course, be approached from a variety of directions, and a number of other intellectual disciplines are relevant to it and influence its study. Semiotics, for example, is a related field concerned with the general study of signs and symbols both in language and outside of it. Literary theorists study the use of language in artistic literature. Linguistics ...
Banking today has become more complex with different products and services which seems from reliance on automation and technological change which has shaped it from a manual-intensive industry into one highly automated and technology dependent. The process of doing banking functions deploying Information Technology is a definition of 'Electronic Banking'. The scope and reach of electronic banking, e.g., E-Banking has undergone a complete revolution. This now ...
A Holistic Approach to Arthritis & Management of Chronic Pain' is a sincere effort to help people in the field of complementary therapies. The book deals with the functioning of joints and different arthritic disorders in simple terms. It enables the reader to understand the disease and explains the characteristics and limitations of different forms of therapies for persons suffering from arthritis. It also deals in a splendid way the management of the ...