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This title "Elementary Education in 21 Century" is an analytical study of policy of elementary education and its implementation. It has been studied in six comprehensive chapters including one appendix and a bibliography. First chapter focus on the policy and implementation of universal elementary education. Managerial aspects of elementary education has been discussed in the second chapter however third chapter deal with the administrative and ...
The countries which had made Elementary Education free and compulsory well in the 19th Century became developed countries in the beginning of the 20th Century. Elementary Education is a must for the informed Citizenry. Most of West including England, America and Japan in the East were able to provide free and compulsory Elementary Education to all the School going age children. This issue involves the provision of sufficient funds for the salaries of the teachers ...
In a country like India, the administration of elementary schools has been given to the Village Panchayat and to the Local Bodies in the urban areas. In the administration of elementary schools the role of the District Education Officer and the Head Master of the school is very crucial. Both of them have to be very selfless and moral people.
The Education of all the school going age children in the age group of 6 to 14 years rests with the Government. This has been admitted by each and every modern Government of the contemporary world. Those countries like Japan, and America who had provided elementary education to all its school going age children, had been able to make faster economic progress. it is generally believed that 100/ literacy leads automatically to economic growth and development. Most ...
The methods in teaching in elementary schools are based on the interest of children. For elementary school teaching the teacher has to be innovative and hard-working. For teaching languages the teacher should stress on drill and better pronunciation. Children should be encouraged to read the compositions, poems and stories. There should be more emphasis on activities like drama and singing. For elementary school education more and more use of educational ...
The curriculum of elementary schools is a very important factor in the education of children. Students need to understand and express themselves in a language which can be the Mother Tongue only at the elementary level. Besides this they have to be proficient in using numbers through arithmetic. Besides this they need to understand the general science and social studies. The elementary school children should be given some elementary education in fine arts and ...