Showing all 7 books
This book, running into two volumes, deals with experimental psychology, Containing sixty experiments, it covers areas like sensory experiences, physiology of emotions, perception, learning and remembering, thinking, language comprehension, problem solving, nature of intelligence as well as its measurement, creativity and its measurement, measurement of human aptitudes and special abilities, motivation, achievement, assessment of personality types and traits, ...
The book makes a psycho-social study of HIV-AIDS. Tracing the origin and spread of this deadliest disease across the world, it critically analyses pre-and post-psyche of AIDS patients, with special emphasis on faulty sexual exercise-co-marital sex swinging, sexual sadism, sexual masochism, pedophilia and homosexuality. Also, it takes stock of state of AIDS dimensia and related diseases in India and other countries, and suggests preventive measures. The book will ...
Behavioural Patterns assuming different dimensions during adolescents, it has always evaded the grasp of psychologists and parents alike, vis-Ã -vis the myriad number of problems it poses. Being a critical phase of human life, the difficulties of this period demand a sensitive and adequate handling of the issue. Behavioural Problems in adolescent Period aims to present a broad and selective perspective on the behavioral problems of adolescent boys and girls. The ...
The behaviour problems of children undertake different dimensions due to the changes of life styles of human beings these days. Several reasons have been attributed to these problems. It becomes therefore imperative for parents to deal with children with a right mix of discipline and love. All the materials presented in this book are fully based systematic studies on many of the childhood problems. Some of the studies are rare problem oriented. All the problems ...
College or university students represent the best example of the period of youth in human life, a perplexing mix of doubt, vigour and hopes. This book brings to light some of the problems faced by young people in this phase. An attempt has been made to find out the type of reactions college students make to such problems. This book will be an essential resource for teachers, psychologists, social workers and other professionals working with ...
Psychologists in their attempt to study the behaviour of the general population did not neglect the tribal people in their studies. They found it very difficult to collect information from the tribal people. However there were some studies made very recently among the tribal groups. The data obtained from these tribal groups enabled us to compare their behaviour with other civilized and advanced groups. In this book emphasis has been laid upon school and college ...
This set of two volumes, thoroughly revised and expanded, incorporates all the recent developments and research findings from various areas of psychology -bio-psychology, physiological psychology, developmental psychology, anatomy, psychopathology, psycho and behaviour therapies, neoru-psychol, health psychology and social psychology. Making scientific study of human behaviour, it offers an elaborate discussion on biological bases and developmental processes, ...