Showing all 8 books
This book 'Christology Today' explores the Biblical. classical and contextual aspects of Christology. It only provides a clue to the Christological understanding. This introduction can help you to know the basic elements of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Christology is also discussed from the wider context of pluralism. This book gives importance to the Christology from below. It can help the readers to have a fresh look at Christology from different ...
This book deals with some of the crucial issues faced by humanity in this present time of greed, selfishness, competition and exploitation with increased injustices dehumanising a huge number of masses. It is concentrated more on the issues of the powerless or the marginalised people and in particular pertaining to ecology, women, slum dwellers, sex workers and transgenders serving as an eye-opener to the realities around us.
The book ‘Human Rights’ draws attention to various types of human right issues that exist in Indian context and also the global context. It is an eye-opener to the stark realities of life. It emphasizes the fact that human beings should overcome the problem of human right violations as they live and respond creatively. Human right violation is understood as the dehumanization. This book arouse our conscience to have a social order which is just and human. ...
This book ‘The Ethics of Love in the Human Context’ is the outcome of my doctoral research. It discusses the need of an evaluative approach in the Indian context which is very much missing. It is so happened in the ethical decision-making that the normative dimension is asserted to reduce ethics is mere legalism. Joseph Fletcher the proponent of the aposteriori-agapeic approach is mostly dealing with what is evaluative from the Christian perspective, though ...
This book makes a comprehensive study of the foundational aspects of Christian ethics. Dealing with the definition and development of ethics, it discusses in detail the different theories in ethics. It also deliberates on the use of the Bible in ethics, situation ethics, ethics of the Gospels and ethics of various religious traditions. The issues concerning poverty, war and peace, ecology, subaltern perspectives on ethics, and post-modern ethics ...
Introducing Christian Ethics is an attempt to deal with the methodological issues as well as the ethical issues in today’s context. Christian responses to the issues are very significant in order to curb the evil and also to act responsibly in the context. To the students of Christian ethics and also to Christians and people of other faiths, this book will provide guidance and direction. This book will be a great help for all theological ...