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The book ‘Consumer Protection in India’ is specially written to act as a comprehensive and reliable manual of Consumer Protection Act and its application in the interest of the consumer. It offers precise and up-to-date information on all the inter related topics under element of provisions relating with consumer protection, application of the act, role and importance of consumer organisations and consumer education etc. This book offers reliable and ...
It is generally said that economic development and environmental protection can not go together. To some extent, it is not incorrect. That is why it has become the demand of the present time that devices and ways are found so that natural environment may be protected and development be made simultaneously. How can this be possible? This book Environmental Protection and Development has been written for giving practically possible solutions to this relevant and ...
Globalisation is the reality of the present time and has many possibilities in future. No country in the world now dares to avoid the process of globalisation. The time has gone when the developed countries were top be benefited by this process. Now different types of adverse conditions are there before these developed countries and developing countries have many positive possibilities and prospects. Outsourcing has started moving in reverse gear. It has become ...
Globalisation is the continous process by which restriction and hurdles are minimized in the field of trade investment and flow of return. Today, there are 149 member countries of W.T.O. where 5 billion population live and 80% trade is involved. This has reached to the height from where using reverse gear is dangerous. India has become of W.T.O. and chosen the policy of globalisation voluntarily. Now it is useless to talk much about the negativity of ...
In the age of globalization every thing is being done only for development. in actuality development is a means and not the end. It is only the tool by which the government tries or should try to eradicate poverty, inequality, suppression and exploitation. Since presently we have our rate of growth more than 9 per cent per annum, foreign exchange reserve more than 200 billion dollars, Mumbai Stock Exchange sensex more than 14,000 points, arte of growth of exports ...
In the age of globalization every thing is being done only for development. In actuality development is a means and not the end. It is only the tool by which the government tries or should try to eradicate poverty, inequality, suppression and exploitation. Since presently we have our rate of growth more than 9 per cent per annum, foreign exchange reserve more than 200 billion dollars, Mumbai Stock Exchange Sensex more than 14,000 points, rate of growth of exports ...
It is generally said that future is always uncertain. This saying is correct to some extent. But at the same time it is also said that exceptions are always there. This exception is about India's certain higher rate of growth in the coming future. The future of Indian economy is brighter because of its huge human resources, rapidly upcoming service sector, availability of large number of competent professionals, vast market for every product, increasing impact of ...
Now the time has come when no country in the world ever thinks of economic development in isolation. Self-sufficiency has no relevance in the strict sense. Inter-dependence of countries is a reality of time and ideology has only a little importance in decision making at macro level. Now there is no group of countries based on political or economic ideology. Inter and intra relations are need of every nation. It is really wonderful to see that 'communist' ...
Presently relations amongst the countries are established or changed according to the policy and programme of the concerned countries. Now India has shifted towards western world under the leadership of the U.S. not only this such countries have also changed their attitude and aptitude regarding India and have started to accept publicity the importance of this country in enhancing their rate of growth. The time has gone when India was only the taker and these ...