Maulana Muhammad Razi Khan Afridi

Showing all 12 books
This book deals with the glorious and august personality of the holy prophet. It, not only provides all details on his life and achievements, but it also presents his great character, highest morality and his matchless abilities. This book will be highly useful for scholars, researchers, students and all those who are interested to know about Islam. In the long run it will help its readers to see Islam in a new light with well referenced reliable information.
Morality and integral thinking is a basic component of Islamic ideology and thought. This work deals with the highest moral standards, set by Islam and practically shown by the holy prophet. This book will be highly useful for scholars, researchers, students and all those who are interested to know about Islam. In the long run it will help its readers to see Islam in a new light with well referenced reliable information.
In broad Islamic terms, Islamic Shariat means `Law of Islam`. Religiously, it consists of a set of injenctions, provisions and tenets, which dictate the ways to make life comfortable, contened, balanced and disciplined. The most significant source of Islamic law is Holy Quran, which was revealed to the last Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (Pbuh) in a period, spanning over 23 plus years, bit by bit, as per timely requirements in Mecca and Medina. Besides Holy Quran, Holy ...
The second most significant source of Islamic teaching and divine injunctions, is Hadith or the tradition of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh). It means the instruction and sayings of the holy Prophet Muhammad. Also, the practices, he exercised in his life and asked other to do the same. The state of Medina, which the Prophet shaped, was entirely based upon Divine Laws that impart social justice, hence it was an ideal state.Divine laws, which govern the Islamic state, are ...
The second most significant source of Islamic teaching and divine injunctions, is Hadith or the Tradition of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh). It means the instruction and sayings of the holy Prophet Muhammad. Also, the practices, he exercised in his life and asked other to do the same. Hadith tell us that Islam sees life in totality. Islamic manners and customers are not conscious. They are derived from the two main sources of Islam, namely, the Quran and the Sunnah, the ...
The second most significant source of Islamic teaching and divine injunctions, is Hadith or the tradition of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh). It means the instruction and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Also, the practices, he exercised in his life and asked other to do the same. Hadith advocates very strongly, the common welfare of human beings. Such sentiments shower blessing and mercy on the society but all the human being and animals living on sphere are ...
The second most significant source of Islamic teaching and divine injunctions, is Hadith or the tradition of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh). It means the instruction and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Also, the practices, he exercised in his life and asked other to do the same. Hadith, is the prime source of Islamic law-including laws on economy and business-after Holy Quran. Islamic law contains comprehensive principles, valid through the ages in respect of the ...
Hadith guides Muslims on ethics in practical life. The motivations and the factors which prompt a man to do job in a better way, to strive hard and bear all the trials and tribulations and induce him to sacrifice his property and life for a thing, are many and varied. The position of morality is not like that of the means of pleasures and luxuries, from which indifference may be possible. But morality is the name of the principles of life which the religion must ...
Hadith guides us on our attitude towards the humanity. Anyone who undertakes to speak of 'Islam and Humanity' in an age in which, the universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, has been highlighted by the charter of the United Nations. There is a fundamental difference in the perspectives from which Islam and the west each view the matter of human rights. ...