Mohamed Taher

Showing all 23 books
Islamic influence in the world contains very useful material on the influence of the Islam on various countries of the world. The contents are: caliphate and Kingship in Medieval Persia; Cultural life in Persia; The Administration of Justice in Modern Persia; The Foundations of Ancient Egyptian Religion; the Awakening of Turkish Literature; The Role of the Turks in Islam; traces of Arab Influence in Portugal; Muslim Intercourse with Burma; The Young Turks and the ...
'Sufism' can be described as Islamic Mysticism. The book presents some luminaries from the galaxy of Sufi saints. The main contents are: Imam Musa Al-Kazim and Sufi Tradition; Abu’l Hasan Al-Shadhili’s Ahzab; Shaikh Nizam-ud-din Auliya; Syed Muhammd Al-Husaini Gesudaraz; The Contemporaries of Mawlana Muhammad Sadiq Kashmiri; Life and Works of Sayyid Ali Hamadani; Shykh Diya Al-Din Nakhshabi: His Life and Persian ...
The Structure of the Law; The Importance of Hadith as a Source of Islamic Law; the Mughal System of Escheat and the Islamic Law of Inheritance; Sunna’s Role in Expounding Islamic Rulings and Refutation of Suspicions Cast on its Authenticity; The Shari’a; Divorce in the Islamic context; The Intricacy of Al’’Awl; Judicial System Under ‘Umar the Great; The Status of ...
Islam and the Western World is compilation of thought-provoking and analytical articles, derived from the authoritative writings of learned scholars in the field. The contents of the book are: Muslim Contribution to the European Renaissance; An Anonymous Andalusian Elegy on the War of Granada; Relations between Latin America and the Islamic World; Gulf Relations with the West: An Historical Survey; Britain in Malaya; Prophet of Doom; Ameer Ali in London: A New ...
Mughal rule in India is the glorious period of Indian History. The present book in two volumes is veritable mine of information consisting of authoritative articles by eminent scholars. Major topic dealt in these volumes are: Social Condition at the Court of Akbar and its influence on Society; Akbar's Eclecticism and Parliament of religions; The Hunt of the great Mughals; The Harem of the great Mughals; The Mughal Nobility; The Titles of the Mughal Nobility; ...
The fundamental of Sufism is God Man and the relation between them, which is Love. The whole Sufi theosophy revolves on these three pivots. The present book on Sufism: Evolution and Practice is a collection of thought provoking articles by eminent scholars. Major topics dealt are: Sufism: Its Evolution and Practice; The Nature and Meaning of Tawakkul in Sufism; Foreign Terms in Sufism: A Suvey of Chinese Influences; Coctrine of Sluk: Its Chinese Origins; Sufi ...
Arabic Literature and Though contains thought provoking articles viz., Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry and Poets; Three Arabian Poets of the Classical Period; Some Aspects of Modern Arabic Literature; Arabic Printing Press in Turkey and the Arab East; Rhetorical Criticism in Al-Jahiz’sAl-Bayan Wa Al-Tabyin and Al-Hayawan; Ma’ruf Ar-Rusafi in Jerusalem; Mu’jamu’ I-Musannifin and its Author; A ...
The Religion of Islam; Islam—The Religion of Submission; Exposition of the Religion of Islam; Some Aspects of Religious Life; A Muslim’s Devotions; The Path of God; Hadith Literature: Influence on Arabic Linguistics and Lexicography; Origins and Development of the Hadith Literature; Al-Harith B. Sa’id Al-Kadhdhab: A Claimant to Prophecy; The Book of Strife of Nuaim Ibn Hammad al-Marwazi; Muslim Creed ...
Historical writings have for centuries constituted an important and major part of Arab-Muslim scholarship. This volume contains important information on: Medieval Arabic Historiography; The Concept of History in the Modern Arab World; Notes on the Arab Calendar Before Islam; The Topography of the Hijrah; The Earliest Persian Manuscripts; Arab Historiography; Shibli’s Studies in Islamic History; A Valuable Historical Ms. Of Arabic—Al-Iktifa; Arabic Historical ...
The present volume on Muslim Rule in Deccan contains valuable information on: Deccan's contribution to Indian Culture; Notes on the Southern Incense Route of Arabia; Shaikh Muhammad Rukh Al-Din--His Role in Medieval Deccan; Political Status of Nizamu'l Mulk Asaf Jah-I in the Deccan (1713-1748 AD); The Garden of the Water Mill: Aurangabad; Nizamu'l Mulk's Vizierate; General Raymond of the Nizam's Army; Masulipatam--a Metropolitan Port in the Seventeenth Century; ...
Our attempt in bringing out this Encyclopaedic Survey of Islamic Culture is to collect the material on Islamic Culture under various themes viz, society, economy, institutions, law, religion, revival, reform, literature, architecture, sciences, philosophy, warfare, modernism and personalities, and present a handy source for study and research. Unique in its focus on the Islamic world and worldview, this Encyclopaedic Survey of Islamic Culture is an invaluable ...
The theory of State; The History of the Muslim State; Muslim Administration; The Islamic State; Theoretical Perspectives; In the Middle east; The Young Turks and Anti-Colonial Struggle; The Rejection of Western Models of Government in Arab World; Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf Al-Thaqafi; On the Death of Aurangzeb; Life and Times of Nizam Al-Mulk Tusi; The Life and Works of Fakhr-i-Mudabbir; Life, Times and Works of Ibn Rushd; The Restoration of Jerusalem are the main ...
This book contains well-researched and analytical material, extracted from authoritative sources. The contents of the book are: Islam and Knowledge; The Inspiration Islam gave to Cultivation of Knowledge and Learning; Islam’s Solution of the Basic Economic Problems; Some Aspects of Muslim Education and Culture; Some Reflections on Islamic Education; Youth and Moral Education; Religion and the Protection of Youth from Misbehaviour and Intellectual Deviation; ...
Muslim Political Thought in India during the Fourteenth Century; Islam in India before Shah Waliullah; Muslim Nationalism: Conflicting Ideologies of Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb; Nationalist ‘Ulama’s Interpretation of Shah Wali Allah’s Thought and Movement; Muslim Political Thought and Activity in India during the 19th Century; The Mujahidin Movement in Modern India; The Jihad Movement of Sayyid Ahmad and Ambella Expedition; Genesis of Muslim Nationalism: ...
Islamic Studies and the European Imagination; Philosophus Autodidactus: Lineage and Perspective; The Place of Rumi in Muslim Thought; Neoplatonism and its Impact on Muslim Thought; Al-Ash ‘ari and Mu’tazilites on Evil; Perfect Man according to Ibn Al-‘Arbi; Methodology of Understanding Islam; Al-Farabi and His Theory of Dreams; Muhammad Ali’s Islamic Weltanschauung: An Appraisal; The Predicament of the Muslim Intelligentsia; Developments of the Thought; ...
To get an overall picture, national developmental perspectives is used, in this book, as a platform to analyze the growth pattern of libraries. Reading interests, library use and misuse patterns, reading and book promotional activities, attitudes of the management, profession and users, are the areas covered in this book. This book is of interest for all interested in understanding the status of libraries in Indian planning and those who are involved in ...
Islmaic Political Thought contains research material of high standard, compiled from authoritative sources. The main topics dealt are: Anglo-French Diplomacy in Kabul; Iqbal’s Contribution to Muslim Political Thought; Iqbal’s Contribution to Modern Islamic Thought; Political Thought of Jalal al-Din Dawwani; Al-Mawardi’s Contribution to Islamic Political Thought; Plotinus and Ibn Sina; Al-Farabi’s Classification of States; Sara’I Lashkar Khan; ...
Assessment of any area of study presupposes the existence of an established field and 'American studies' in India is one of these. American studies connote study of American civilization. Like all area studies, it has a holistic approach, which describes its interdisciplinary nature. Indian attempts to study America started well off in the sixties and today after three decades it is time to analyse and assess the level of contributions made by scholars-Indian ...
The present book on Islamic TGheology is a veritable mine of authoritative information,, contributed by eminent scholars. The main topics dealt are; Theology of Alienation; Shuhud Vs Wujud: A Study of Gisudiraz; Concept of Tauhid; Unity of God in Islam; Unity in Islamic Perspective; Tauhid—Oneness of God; Tauhid and Adl: A Discussiono; The Unity of God; Jami’s concept of God in the Lawa’ih; Muslims’ on Christian and Traditional African; Devils; Delusion ...
The Quran is a guide and a model for all the humanity and not merely for a sect. Even Muslims cannot progress if they do not go by the guidelines given in this Scripture. Quran calls for new interpretations and new effects with changing times. The present volume contains thought provoking articles written by eminent scholars of Islam. The main topics dealt herein are: The Qur’an and Our Lives; The Miracle of Quran; Law of Crime in the Aur’an & Religon vs. ...
From the beginning, the science of Islam was connected with the mosque. The main points of interest were the Qur’an and Hadith. The present volume contains important information regarding: Some Aspects of the History of the Madrasa; Education in the Hijaz Under Turkish and Sharifiann Rule; Objectives of Education in the Pakistani Society before Colonial Rule; Higher Education in the Arab World; Elementary Schools in Hijaz; Traditional Texts used in the Persian ...
Studies in Librarianship (in three volumes) is a veritable mine of information on Library Science. Organized in three volumes, viz. Islamic Librarianship; Qualitative Studies in Library Science; and Quantitative Studies in Library Science, the present work embodies articles, abstracts, book reviews and other important crucial material. Students, scholars, academics besides the professionals, in the field of library and information science will find this book most ...