Mohit Chakrabarti

Showing all 23 books
Creativity is the birthright of man. It has its worth in the fullness of efflorescence. In case of a child, the crescent moon as it were, it is something a waiting avenues of emancipation like a blackbird’s bill always seeking the prize for self-expression. The modern trends of creativity in school children are to appropriately and extensively spell out the aims and objectives of education and creativity and establish sounder platforms of synchronization ...
Devotion is dedication of the self to the All Serene. To Rabindranath Tagore, it is more than mere dedication. It is a vrata to be I perfect unison with the Vratapati, the Lord of askance in sincerity, purity and poignance.
To be christened with the spirituality of Tagore in the most intrinsic and poignant pattern is to muse and re-muse his devotional songs, and in doing so, one cannot but discover within oneself the lotus-land of spiritual excellence. Indeed, ...
Education is always an experience serene, vibrant, unending. For social change, it is something more than that. It is an exciting edventure for the excellence of ‘men’ in every man. Misunderstood and misinterpreted more often than not. Perhaps because of poverty of inward evaluation and depth of vision and more perhaps because of absence of appropriate appreciation to the multi-dimensional personality of an incomparable colossus, Rabindranath Tagore’s ...
'Perhaps the greatest figures', as Louis Fischer appreciates, 'of the last nineteen hundred years', Mahatma Gandhi represents the best of religion. He identifies religion with the vision of man christened in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. The vision of man, the embodiment of religion as Gandhi highlights in his vision of Satyanarayana or Daridranarayana, brings religion at the doorstep of every society where synchronization between religion and society becomes a ...
The Gandhian philosophy of the spinning-wheel shows the surest way for the hoi polloi to bring about a desirable social revolution long overdue. To live in simplicity and austerity, thereby living in catholicity of contentment, peace and advancement is always an abiding lesson to be learnt from the spinning wheel alone. The Gandhian philosophy of the spinning wheel also endears non-violence and religion together with the most dynamic spirit of humanism. Gandhian ...
To be in tune with the songs of Rabindranath Tagore is to rediscover oneself amidst all odds and constraints of life. This becomes all the more apposite when one muses whit his songs of joy. Here is a world enriched with a vast panorama of human life and experience-love, dedication, compassion, humility, paitience and perciverence. Together with all these one makes an encounter with the incomparable and unparalleled world of sorrow and pain, languor and ...
Education is a complex and end endless activity. Excellence in education is a more complex activity because it class forth sincerity and devotion, perfection and manifestation. The quest for vibrant education as Swami Vivekananda boldly asserts, makes unparalleled and unique pathways in diverse directions like religion, humanism, social awareness, aesthetics and mysticism each of which unendingly contributes to introspection and cadence, ascent and excellence. ...
Education today is now in utter ukase. To say about education of love is almost a myth at present. But nearly two hundred years ago Swami Vivekananda has made his clarion call to launch vibrant programmes of education of love that caters to freedom, service to society, humanism, spirituality and, above all, mystic, effulgence of serenity and poignancy. A look inward and look sacred with the philosophy of education of love as Vivekananda prescribes and stimulates ...
Tagore unfolds a new horizon of human prayer where the heart is not in quest of the unknown alone but is also enchanted with the beauty of the world with all its flora and fauna. A sort of kindred relationship born of compassion and affection, kindness and conciliation is expressed in the words of prayer that tell a new truth: man is never along. The joys and sorrows, agonies and ecstasies, of the human mind seek consolation not merely within oneself but in an ...
The book encapsulates value education in all possible perspectives like philosophical, psychological, sociological and aesthetic awareness. It offers views of Mahatma Gandhi and Tagore on value education. The role of value education in national integration is also discussed.
The word of the songs of Rabindranath Tagore is eternally thrilling and enchanting. It brings forth a vast panorama of human life and experience encapsulating joy and sorrow, love and languishment, pleasure and pain, union and detachment besides a look beyond. This English translation of Santidev Ghosh's Rabindrasangeet Vichitra makes an in-depth study of the music of Rabindranath Tagore. Analysing the influence of foreign culture and music on Bengali life in ...
The world of hope is the window of renewal and revival. To Rabindranath Tagore, it is more than that. It is freedom and joy, love and languishment, serenity and poignancy, and, above all, crystallisation of aesthetic and spiritual sensibilities. The songs of hope as Tagore presents us with diverse avenues of unfolding chidakash - the sky of the mind - also impart a lesson anew and afresh of how to look at life positively and look beyond. We marvellously ...
The songs of Rabindranath Tagore are the eternal treasures of our quest for the true identity of man in terms of music. His songs of awakening are a prelude to the why and how of this quest in a very crystallized and transparent pattern presented in poignant and telling words of the mind and the heart. Our moments of joy, sorrow, love, languishment, hope, disappointment, loneliness and wonder are woven in unparalleled words in these songs of awakening. s one ...
Mahatma Gandhi, the great connoisseur of all round efflorescence, is an eternal exponent of the advancement of man. What with Sarvodaya or with love, with education for human rights or with Satyagraha, with vibrant democracy or with truth, he stands out enviably victorious in critical contemplation and apposite action. His concept of humanism for natural and buoyant boost for the effulgence of fullness of man for which he has untiringly strived is an invaluable ...
Teacher education today is associated with countless challenges. Right from aesthetics in technology to value-cultivation and from quality education to education for peace, it is ceaselessly devoted to address newer promises of today for a more enlightened tomorrow in fullness of teaching-learning. The twenty-first century teacher education also promises well spelt-out, analyzed and evaluation guaranteed spiritual excellence in proper tuning with pupil guidance. ...