Muhammad Ilyas

Showing all 12 books
"Islam is the only religion, which is most human-friendly and nature-friendly. It not only imposes do's and dont's regarding religious life but also provides complete code of life--be it polity, economy, social life, education, human rights, distribution of wealth and property, inheritance, science and technology, sciences related to the earth or the space. All the Islamic thoughts are based on the holy injunctions prescribed in the Holy Quran or the ...
Islam is the complete code of life. It addresses issues, pertaining to almost-every walk of life. Polity, economy, society, family, education, human rights, self and national defence, inheritance, science, philosophy, religion, spirituality, moral values, communal harmony etc. In fact, not a single subject has been spared, which does not find mention in Holy Quran and Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). Prophet's teachings are all based on the Divine ...