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1542 books
The Kaivalyadhama Shreeman Madhav Yoga Mandir Samiti Lonavla popularly known as "KAIVALYADHAMA" is a voluntary body registered under the Societies registration Act, XXI of 1860 founded by Late Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924, primarily for promotion of research having scientific cultural and textual values in the science of Yoga. The Kaivalyadhama is in receipt of substantial financial assistance from the government of India as well as the State Govt. of ...
Second in the series of TERI’s annual flagship publication on global sustainable development, People, Planet and Progress Beyond 2015 examines six critical issues of the Planet (climate change, ozone layer depletion, loss of biodiversity, desertification, unsustainable use of natural resources, and environmental pollution) and six crucial issues of the People (food security and safety, health and well-being, education and learning, sustainable habitat, ...
Contents: Part - I - GENERAL REVIEWS
1. Indian Mineral Industry and National Economy
2. Mineral Policy & Legislation
3. Status of Reconnaissance Permits, Prospecting Licences & Mining Leases in India
4. Exploration & Development
5. Research & Development
6. Port Facilities
7. Mineral-based Industries
8. Production
9. Prices
10. Foreign Trade
11. State Reviews-a, State Reviews-b, State Reviews-c, State Reviews-d, State Reviews-e, State Reviews-f ...
Textile Traditions of Bangladesh is the first dedicated volume to study the textiles of Bangladesh. If had been a long-cherished project of NCCB to publish a volume on textiles as Bangladesh has a staggering variety of handlooms. The present volume contains nine essays largely based on research and field work, covering the various facets of the industry. Each of the essays aims to unfold the history of a particular kind of product in this region as well as ...
Keeping Pace: English Skills for Success is designed to suit the compulsory English syllabus recommended by the University Grants Commission. With sections on prose, poetry, grammar and vocabulary, and oral and written communication skills, it offers a pedagogically comprehensive course in English.
The poems and prose passages have been selected from across genres and from different spheres of thought and experience. These sections aim to strengthen skills in ...