Unani Medicine

40 books
The Ujani Wetland is a manmade wetland that came into existence in June 1980. It was formed because of the construction of Ujani dam across the river Bhima which is a tributary of the river Krishna. It is named after Ujani Village and lies between 18 04 24 North latitude and 75 07 15 East longitude on the border of Solapur Ahmednagar and Pune districts of Maharashtra. It is situated about 150 km away from Pune, on Pune-Solapur road. The gross catchment area is ...
This conceptual and illustrated book (with 39 colored pictures) is a novel approach towards providing a comprehensive and crisp knowledge of dermatology with Unani concepts and management. It is now strongly being felt that Unani medical literature needs to be provided in the universal English language in order to make it widely popular and acceptable. This present book is a sincere attempt in this direction. In a lucid language, the book is a perfect blend of ...
This book takes the reader to the beginnings of medical science in ancient Greece and traces its subsequent journey into the 8th-century Arab world and the birth of a new system called Unani. There is also an informative chapter on home remedies which can be safely tried by readers as Unani medicine prescribes drugs which originate in nature. Includes many color illustrations.
There exists tremendous knowledge in ancient Indian scriptures on traditional systems of medicine regarding liver disorders, their management and cure. The Indian Council of Medical Research initiated a programme under which the relevant knowledge and scientific data has been searched from the available literature and integrated in the present monograph. It provides an insight of the liver and its disorders from the point of view of Ayuveda, Unani and Allopathic ...
A Study of the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna over a period of over forty years, guided by a simple key, has brought an undiminished admiration for this work, now about thousand years old, and still in use in the East. It is therefore a great satisfaction that a new English translation has become available through the untiring and painstaking work of Dr. Mazhar H. Shah. The selection of the best equivalents in English for the main originate terms has ...
This book “Unani Clinical Methods”, makes Diagnostic easy through the study of Pulse, Urine and Stool is excellent. It is very easy and understandable. This book is complied as per the syllabus of C.C.I.M. for the B.U.M.S course.Probably, this is the first book of Saririat (Clinical Bedside) written in English which will help to accept and promote the system globally as English is an international language. Prior to this book, ...