N. Jayapalan

Showing all 19 books
The book Comprehensive Modern Political Analysis covers all aspects of modern political analysis in detail. In this book the nature and scope of politics is beautifully described in the first Chapter. In the following Chapters the main features of the study i.e., behaviouralism, group theory, game theory, Political Culture and Political Socialisation have been discussed in a clear and lucid way. The Chapters on Political Participation and Political Evaluation ...
This book delves deeply into the major cultural streams that made an impact on India during the ancient and modern times. The cultural spheres created by Harappans, Aryans, Jainism, Buddhism, early Christianity, Islamic invaders and the West have been discussed with amazing finesse. The resultant culture of the Indian subcontinent was an amalgamation of these vital cultural components. India’s contribution to world culture has been discussed with reference to ...
The study covers different phases of the history of political thought in a detailed manner. It examines skillfully the views and achievements of various political thinkers—from Plato to Russell. The first chapter deals with ideas and accomplishments of Plato. In the second chapter the political thoughts of Aristotle have been given in an exhaustive and elaborate way. The following chapters throw light in detail on the thinking of many political thinkers like ...
The book provides the readers a clear picture about the definition, origin, scope, value and methods of Urban Sociology in simple, plain and lucid language. The book would be of great value for the students as well as the teachers. Even laymen would enjoy reading the book because of its simple style.
Modern governments are of great importance in the present world. This book deals with the theory, principles and classification of constitutions in the first chapter. Further the constitutions of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Switzerland, China, Japan and India have been described in the following chapters. The salient features of every constitution mentioned above have been described in a simple and lucid style. Further, due attention ...
The book deals with all aspects of the foreign policy of India in detail during different phases. All the events have been recorded in the chronological order. In the introductory chapter the meaning and definition of foreign policy, its important contents and elements have been traced in detail in a simple and lucid manner. In the next chapters various aspects of India’s foreign policy have been narrated very beautifully so as to meet the requirements of the ...
The book deals with the all aspects of political theory in detail. The subject matter has been presented in a simple and lucid form. An attempt has been made in this book to highlight the various concepts in political theory by a systematic treatment of the subject without indulging in any polemics. Under the heading ‘Ends and Functions of the State’ Socialism and other Isms have been presented in detail. Besides socialism, eighteen Isms have been narrated in ...
Aristotle was born in 384 B.C. at Stagira, a city of Greece and died in 322 B.C. at Euboea. He was a master of dialectics, a great observer, a voracious reader and a specialist in both the natural sciences and philosophy. Among his writings, one finds not only on metaphysics and logic but also on human sciences like psychology and ethics and politics as well as on natural sciences. The book deals with all aspects of Aristotle including his birth, career and ...
The book deals with all aspects of historiography. In this book the chapterisation is clearly made so as to indicate the meaning, scope and value of history in an exemplary manner. In the middle of the book ancient, medieval and modern historiography have been discussed in detail in chronological order. Moreover, the chapter on Western Historians provides an opportunity to know their contribution to historiography. The book is written in a simple and lucid style ...
The book deals with all aspects of the ‘Indian Society and Social Institutions’ in detail. The Characteristics of Indian Society, Indian Culture, Values of Indian Social System, Hindu Social Organisation and the Caste system have been described in the first five chapters with enormous facts so as to meet the requirements of the students. The book also provides a good picture of the Casteism, Untouchability, the Hindu Family system, Muslim Social System, ...
The book, 'Social Demography', presents the key concepts of social demography in the form of evaluation and analysis made by erudite scholars. For a proper understanding of social demography as we find it today, a thorough study is very essential. The introductory chapter presents a clear picture of the meaning, definition, scope and subject matter of social demography. Further the book deals with family planning programmes and population policy in India in clear ...
The study deals with all aspects of the Constitutional History of India and the Constitution of India in detail with different phases of the history of Freedom Movement. In this work the events have been recorded in chronological order. The study also provides an introduction to the history of Freedom Movement. The Constitutional History of India is traced in a simple manner so as to fulfil the requirements of the students and the general readers.
"Women studies has become a thought provoking challenge all over the world. All the civilised societies and nations are better understood with women studies. Women studies are of great importance at the present world and cover a vast area. This book evaluates the status and role of women, feminist theories, traditional Indian society, traditional Asian society, movement for women in the 19th and 20th centuries, social reforms and welfare in India, ...
In the present world, tourism continues to grow dramatically on a worldwide basis. A proper study of it can be effectively directed towards specific market targets for measurable gains, both on domestic and foreign tourism level. The economic significance of tourism cannot be undermined. It has emerged as one of the largest growing industry around the globe, and also supporting various primary and secondary travel industries like hotel, transport and ...
‘Women and Human Rights are of universal importance. The study on this subject has become essential all over the world. All the civilised societies and nations agree, "Women are cradle of civilisation", and are better understood with human rights. The book offers abundant information and significant analysis to our understanding of this complex and dynamic struggle for women’s human rights. It examines Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of ...
The book History of English Literature covers the period of English literature from Chaucer down to the modern age. It provides a clear picture about the life and works of all great literary figures such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Johnson, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Thomas Hardy and others. More attention has been focused on the important aspects of the history of English literature and all superfluity has been avoided. The book is a boon for all ...
The present Gokhale, Gandhi and Tagore presents a clear picture about their career, contributions and thought separately. The first part gives a graphic picture about Gopal Krishnan Gokhlei.e. His Life, his political programmes, his economic ideas, his educational ideas, the servants of India society, his contributions to political thought and his assessment. The second part presented a beautiful account about Mahatma Gandhi and his role on freedom struggle. From ...
For a proper understanding of India's economy as we find today with its fast development, a study of its past economic conditions is necessary. India's economic history spans nearly 5000 years and dates back to Indus Valley Civilization the two prominent cities of which--Mohanjodaro and Harappa-- were big industrial centres having trade relations with West Asia and other parts of the world. Several sources provide us valuable information about the economic ...