N. Kunju

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Showing all 14 books
A Guide to military writers on how and what to write. a Treasuryof quotes and sample writings. the basics of the army.
Jinnah is long dead. But the controversy on his precepts and practice is alive and kicking. In fact, it hicks politicians in Pakistan and India alike.
In Pakistan, though he is declared `The Father of the Nation' his ideas and ideologies were buried with him. Much against the secular vision he expressed in his speech in the Constituent Assembly on 11 August 1947, Pakistan was declared an Islamic state. Ever since, the country has been trying to reconcile the ...
America, with its nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the world several times over, could not defend itself against the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, that paralyzed the nation. The erstwhile Soviet Union, another superpower with equal quantity of nuclear weapons, could not survive the crisis that splintered it into several countries. India, instead of becoming more powerful by declaring itself a nuclear weapon state after the 1998 tests, has been ...
This is the story of a Tank Regiment of the Indian Army that fared miserably in the 1962 India-China War and later, in the 1965 war with Pakistan, fought gloriously to redeem its name. It is not only a story of battles but also of men who lived to fight the battles, who trained and waited to kill or die. They fought the enemy, but were those killed actually their enemies? They won wars, but did they gain anything.
This is the author's second book of poems. The first one, Unknown Soldier, contained poems written in a long time-span, beginning with reflections on army life and moving to romanticism until he discovered his own ground in satirical comments on contemporary life. This volume is the continuation of that genre of poetry with a touch of philosophy. Divine doubt dominates the theme of some of these pieces. If faith is the bedrock of religion, doubt is the ...
Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is the highest gallantry award given to the personnel of India's armed forces. Only 20 army men and one air force pilot have received this stop honour so far, 14 of them after sacrificing their life. The stories of the recipients of the PVC, the super human heroic acts of the Param Vir, should inspire every Indian. But how many of us know of their legendary deeds? How many of us know their names? How many Indians know that but for Maj. ...
This is a veteran’s quick march along memory lane of his 25-year-long Army life. Recruited on the eve of Independence, his experiences are unique, not generally encountered by soldiers. There are times of sorrow and joy, humiliation and pride. There is politics in an apolitical environment, intellectual pursuit in military surroundings. Humour in uniform pervades throughout the narration.