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The book begins with Guru Nanak and his Ideas including achievements as understood by historians. Chapter one concedes that the great Guru stood for the lower sections of the society. In his attiude towards God and Humanity he was catholic, and his Gurbani has enriched the Punjabi language and literature throught Sakhis and sangat institution. The military-political success of the Singhs or Khalsa by the 18th century gave a new dimension to Sikh organization and ...
This book of articles deals with the British Discovery of Sikhs, their literature and history. Further, it reminds us the Sikh Political success after the occupation of Lahore by Ranjit Singh in 1799. True that the British enquiry was diplomatic and Military during the 18th century. However, the Anglo-Sikh Relations after the fall of Delhi and Hansi into the hands of Company in 1803 and more so the Anglo-Sikh Treaties of January 1806 and April 1809 widened the ...
This small book of articles deals with the British discovery of Sikhs, their literature and history. Enquiry was diplomatic and military during the 18th century. However, the Anglo-Sikh relations after the fall of Delhi and Hansi into the hands of Company in 1803 and more so the Sikh Treaties of January 1806 and April 1809 with the British widened the scope of the enquiry. With Malcoml’s work published in 1810, the Punjabi and Sikh writings especially the bani ...