Neelma Kunwar

Showing all 21 books
Child abuse is a violation of the basic human rights of a child and is an outcome of a set of inter-related familial, social, psychological and economic factors. Child abuse is a state of emotional, physical, economic and sexual maltreatment meted out to a person below the age of eighteen and is a globally prevalent phenomenon. Child abuse has serious physical and psycho social consequences which aversely affect the health and over well being of a child. The ...
The book focuses on the menopause in women. An unavoidable change that every woman will experience when she reaches middle age and beyond.
The book highlights causes, cure and management of menopause. The symptoms and their effects on body parts are shown in diagrams and illustrations.
First chapter studies what is menopause and its management, second chapter is on how to determine menopause and third chapter is on menopausal symptoms with illustrations. Fourth ...
Study conducted at the Kalyanpur and Sarsaul blocks of Kanpur District in Uttar Pradesh, India.
This book depicts the role and status of rural women of Western Utter Pradesh state in their agriculture development. Modern agricultural and home technologies introduced during recent decades have affected living of rural women. Which technology is more appropriate for rural women have been discussed in detail in this book. The book is of immense value for the policy-makers and planners, research workers. The book is of immense value for the policy-makers and ...