26 books
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. 1. Ochna. 2. Ocimum. 3. Odina. 4. Oenanthe. 5. Oenothera. 6. Olax. 7. Oldenlandia. 8. Olea. 9. Oleandra. 10. Oligochaeta. 11. Ononis. 12. Onosma. 13. Onychium. 14. Operculina. 15. Ophioglossum. 16. Ophiopogon. 17. Ophiorrhiza. 18. Oplismenus. 19. Opuntia. 20. Orchis. 21. Oreocnide. 22. Origanum. 23. Ormocarpum. 24. Orobanche. 25. Orophea. 26. Oroxylum. 27. Orthosiphon. 28. Orygia. 29. Oryza. 30. Osbeckia. 31. ...
Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Contents of Volume 1 to 14 (plants covered). Monographs: 1. Artemisia absinthium Linn. 2. Bauhinia racemosa Lamk. 3. Berberis aristata DC. 4. Blepharis edulis (Forssk.) Pers. 5. Calamus thwaitesii Becc. ex Becc. and Hook. f. 6. Capparis sepiaria Linn. 7. Carapichea ipecacuanha (Brot.) L. Andersson. 8. Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. 9. Celosia argentea Linn. 10. Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn.f. 11. Coldenia procumbens Linn. 12. ...
Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Monographs. 1. Naravelia. 2. Narcissus. 3. Nardostachys. 4. Naregamia. 5. Narenga. 6. Naringi. 7. Nasturtium. 8. Natsiatum. 9. Nauclea. 10. Neillia. 11. Nelsonia. 12. Nelumbo. 13. Neoalsomitra. 14. Neolamarckia. 15. Neolitsea. 16. Neonauclea. 17. Nepenthes. 18. Nepeta. 19. Nephelium. 20. Nephrolepis. 21. Neptunia. 22. Nerium. 23. Nervilia. 24. Neuracanthus. 25. Neyraudia. 26. Nicandra. 27. Nicotiana. 28. Niebuhria. 29. Nigella. ...
Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Monographs. 1. Michelia. 2. Microcos. 3. Microlepia. 4. Micromeles. 5. Micromelum. 6. Micromeria. 7. Microsorum. 8. Microstegium. 9. Microtropis. 10. Microula. 11. Mikania.12. Milium. 13. Miliusa. 14. Millettia. 15. Millingtonia. 16. Mimosa. 17. Mimulus. 18. Mimusops. 19. Mirabilis. 20. Miscanthus. 21. Mischocarpus. 22. Mitracarpus. 23. Mitragyna. 24. Mitrephora. 25. Mollugo. 26. Momordica. 27. Monochoria. 28. Monstera. 29. ...
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Monographs: 1. Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. 2. Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f. 3. Alectra parasitica A. Rich. ssp. chitrakutensis (M. A. Rau)/K. K. Khanna and A. Kumar. 4. Althaea officinalis Linn. 5. Anacardium occidentale Linn. 6. Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch. 7. Apama siliquosa Lamk. 8. Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. 9. Aristolochia indica Linn. 10. Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell.-Arg. 11. Brassica campestris Linn. ...
Contents: Vol. 13: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Monographs: 1. Adhatoda zeylanica medik. 2. Ammi visnaga (Linn.) Lamk. 3. Amomum aromaticum Roxb. 4. Angelica archangelica Linn. 5. Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb.ex. DC.) wall.ex Guill. and Perr. 6. Apium graveolens Linn. 7. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. 8. Atropa belladonna Linn. 9. Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell-Arg (Leaf). 10. Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell-Arg. (Root). 11. Bambusa bambos (Linn.) ...
From the introduction: Plant based drugs are being increasingly used in recent times all over the world. However their standardization has become a matter of great concern in getting a wider acceptance for them. Further non availability of genuine Phytochemical Reference Standards (PRS) puts a serious limitation in the process of standardization. For this purpose the concerned stakeholders would be in need of the detailed procedure of isolation of PRS with all ...
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Contents of Volume I & II (Phytochemical Reference Standards Covered). Monographs: 1. Adifoline. 2. Agnuside. 3. a –Aasarone. 4. Bacopaside I. 5. Boeravinone B. 6. a -Boswellic Acid. 7. b-Boswellic Acid. 8. Cajanol. 9. Chebulinic Acid. 10. Cirsilineol. 11. Corilagin. 12. Coroslic Acid. 13. 2’ ,3’-Dehydrosalannol. 14. Demethoxycurcumin. 15. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate. 16. d-Fenchone. 17. ...
From the introduction: "The present volume is the second of the series of Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants comprising 56 plant genera comprising 206 species from Allium - Ardisia.
The monographs cover largely the studies on Indian medicinal plants conducted by scientists in Indian institutions and published in national and international journals. At places work done by Indian scientists in collaboration with foreign laboratories or carried out exclusively ...
From the introduction: "The present volume is the first of the series of Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants comprising 60 plant genera comprising 223 species from Abelmoschus - Allemanda.
The monographs cover largely the studies on Indian Medicinal Plants conducted by scientists in Indian Institutions and published in National and International Journals. At places work done by Indian scientists in collaboration with foreign laboratories or carried out ...
Contents: 1. Habenaria. 2. Hackelia. 3. Haemanthus . 4. Haematocarpus. 5. Haematoxylon. 6. Hakea. 7. Halenia. 8. Halerpestes. 9. Halodule. 10.Halogeton. 11. Halophila. 12. Haloxylon. 13. Hamelia. 14. Hamiltonia. 15. Haplanthodes. 16. Haplophragma. 17. Hardwickia. 18. Harpagophytum. 19. Harpullia. 20. Harrisonia. 21. Hartmannia. 22. Heckeria. 23. Hedera. 24. Hedranthera. 25.Hedychium. 26. Hedyotis. 27. Hedysarum. 28. Helianthus. 29. Helicanthes. 30. Helichrysum. ...
Contents: 1. Faba. 2. Fagara. 3. Fagonia. 4. Fagopyrum. 5. Fagraea. 6. Fagus. 7. Farsetia. 8. Feronia. 9. Ferula. 10. Festuca. 11. Ficus. 12. Filago. 13. Filicium. 14. Fimbristylis. 15. Finlaysonia. 16. Firmiana. 17. Fissistigma. 18. Fitzroya. 19. Flacourtia. 20. Flagellaria. 21. Flaveria. 22. Flemingia. 23. Fleurya. 24. Flickingeria. 25. Flindersia. 26. Floscopa. 27. Flueggea. 28. Foeniculum. 29. Forrestia. 30. Forsythia. 31. Fortunella. 32. Fragaria. 33. ...
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Vol. 12: Monographs: 1. Abrus precatorius Linn. 2. Acacia farnesiana Linn. Willd. 3. Acacia polyacantha Willd. 4. Acalypha indica Linn. 5. Aconitum ferox Wall. Ex. Ser. 6. Aconitum violaceum Jacq. Ex. Stapf. 7. Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn. 8. Aegle marmelos Linn. Corr. Root. 9. Aegle marmelos Linn. Corr. Fruit. 10. Aesculus hippocastanum Linn. 11. Alpinia calcarata Rosc. 12. Amaranthus tricolor Linn. 13. Ananas ...
1. Abroma augusta Linn. Linn. f. 2. Acacia leucophloea Roxb. Wild. 3. Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. ex holmes. 4. Acorus calamus Linn. 5. Amomum subulatum Roxb. 6. Apium leptophyllum Pers. F. Muell. ex Benth. 7. Betula utilis D. Don. 8. Capparis spinosa Linn. var. spinosa. 9. Carthamus tinctorius Linn. 10. Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn. 11. Crateva magna (Lour) DC. 12. Cucurbita pepo Linn. 13. Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. 14. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Linn.) Taub. ...
From the introduction: The following major guidelines have been adopted in evolving the standards and preparation of the monographs. The raw material of the plants is procured from the field from at least three geographical locations and authenticated. The samples are worked out for their pharmacognostic and phytochemical features through experiments while the information on the distribution of the plants vernacular names, chemical constituents, pharmacological ...
Efforts have been made to compile published research work on the taxa found in India whether indigenous or introduced. The present volume is the tenth of the series of 'Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants' comprising 82 plant genra and 422 species.
The monographs cover studies on Indian medicinal plants conducted by scientists in Indian institutions and published in natioanal and international journals. At places work done by Indian scientists in collaboration ...
It is well known that majority of the world population (nearly four billion) relies on the plant based drugs for health care. The efficacy and safety of these drugs depend largely on their authenticity and quality. Thus effective methods of standardization and quality control of the plant drugs as well as of these extracts are necessary.
To address this issue, Indian Council of Medical Research initiated a programme for laying down Quality Standards of Indian ...
Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Covered in Volume I. Monographs: 1. Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. 2. Aristolochia indica Linn. 3. Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. 4. Caesalpinia bonduc (Linn.) Roxb. emend. Dandy and Exell. 5. Calotropis gigantea (Linn.) R. Br. 6. Cassia fistula Linn. 7. Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don. 8. Cissus quadrangularis Linn. 9. Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb. ex Spreng. 10. Coscinium ...
From the preface: "Extensive search has been made for relevant literature from primary, secondary and tertiary sources, as well as by contacting various universities, medical institutions and individual researchers involved in activities related to medicinal plants. The Monograph on each plant includes regional names, habit and habitat, Ayurvedic description (wherever available), Sanskrit synonyms, uses ascribed, ethnobotanical studies, the details of ...
The interest in and the demand for the plant based drugs increased in the last few decades, and this led to large scale commercial production of both classical and proprietary herbal formulations in the country. As a result, the demand for herbal raw material also increased. The raw material is being procured from wild as well as cultivated sources. Several factors are known to influence the quality of the herbal raw material. Hence, to ...