Nishant Singh

Showing all 13 books
According to the general principle of caste, untouchables suffer from religious and civil disabilities where as privileges were endowed with the Brahmins. In actuality this is a theoretical postulation. The nature form and pattern of privileges and disabilities associated with various caste groups vary from a given region to another. For instance, in caste of South India, residential segregation was absolutely maintained putting Brahmins in agar harm and ...
The idea of crime has a long history. Some religious communities regard sin as a crime; some may even highlight the crime of sin very early in legendary or mythological accounts of origins -- note the tale of Adam and Eve and the theory of original sin. What one group considers a crime may cause or ignite war or conflict. However, the earliest known civilizations had codes of law, containing both civil and penal rules mixed together, though not always in recorded ...
The book on Abnormal Psychology covers the subject matter very intensively and clearly. It clearly define the normal and abnormal behaviours, hysteria, intellectual confusion, mental disorders and criminal bend of mind. It also covers the topics on psychological education of mentally handicapped children, training for teaching particularly in applied psychology and other developments. This book will be highly valuable for the students of psychology, planners of ...
According to modern concept of education the child psychology its development and growth is very important to understand so that the ultimate goal of education can be fulfilled. By understanding the child psychology education can be changed to child centered education and reforms in curriculum, emphasis an individual differences, mental testing, solution to child related problems and other can also be given due attention to get the desired results. Study of child ...
The Encyclopadic Dictionary of Public Administration is a uniquie presentation of words to be used by the school and college students. Teachers, common users, translators and researchers in the field. This encyclopaedia has been complied and prepared after consulting various encyclopaedia available in the market. We have tried our best to present before you the updated forms of words being used in day to day life. The modern approach to information technology has ...
Tourism is recognized as a major global industry today. It is a sizeable and complex service industry. In last 40 years, tourism has been rapid and continuous growth. Governments mostly due to profit motives have seldom questioned the desirability of tourism. This work focuses on all aspects of tourism development. The economic achievement to a country by way of earnings foreign exchange on the other hand are, however, the prime ...
Sonia Gandhi is one of the prominent, dynamic and one of the most influential ladies of the decade in India, as it has also been acclaimed by the time magazine. She has reconstructed the congress with New Zeal and Vigor. She is well considered as the mass leader of modern times, who is quick in decision making and very much proficient in coordinating the different factions of UPA government as a true director who provides the government valuable suggestions in ...