Noorjehan N. Ganihar

Showing all 11 books
Rabindranath Tagore was one of the practical innovators of modernIndian educational system. The last forty years of his life, he wascontent to be a school-master in humble rural surroundings of WestBengal where he had achieved international fame for his educationaland poetic contribution. He was one of the first Indian to thinkout for himself and put in practical principles of education whichhave now become common place of educational theory, if not yet ...
The process of deciding on the aims of the organization is at the heart of educational management. In some settings, aims are decided by the principal, often working in association with senior colleagues and perhaps a small group of lay stakeholders. In many educational organizations, however, goal setting is a corporate activity undertaken by formal bodies or informal groups. Educational organizations' aims are strongly influenced by pressures from the external ...
In view of quality and quantity of education there is a vide significance of the leadership behaviour of school Heads in India. In this way, a study conducted on the leadership behaviour of Heads of schools is very relevant of the present context of education. In the introductory chapter, the study covers leadership concept, significance and objectives of the study, second chapter covers theoretical background and deals with both the personal and institutional ...
To be an effective educational leader the head of the school must first of all the adept in decision-making ability and be able to consider himself expendable in his position. He must derive highest satisfaction not from his official title, but from what it may enable him to contribute to the vital, educational and cultural processes in which the organisation is engaged. The head is the king pin of the school. It is said that as is the head, so is the school. The ...
The research studies on human resource development in India are very rare and far between. So far no studies to the knowledge of the investigator have been carried out in India involving study of the variables human resource development, human resource development climate, performance appraisal, in-service education and induction training and training needs of teacher educators and principals at secondary teacher education college level especially in Karnataka ...
Gender issues are an indispensable component of Indian social system. Women are career oriented along with the role of home-making. Women are faced with many gender issues as paid workers. Women are discriminated because they are considered as fair sex. Differentiation exists both at inhibited and exhibited levels. Roles are assigned according to gender in the form of stereotypic roles. As a matter of fact sensitivity exists among both the sexes as how jobs are ...
Education and philosophy are complimentary to each other. Every aspect of education is determined by a particular philosophy from a different vantage point. Philosophy being a theory of education contributes of theory and practice of education per se. Dr. Zakir Husain's contributions to the education philosophy abounds in excellence. This book deals with the concept of education, and the philosophical framework, eastern and western thoughts, naturalism, realism, ...
School effectiveness remains a complex and difficult problem for theorists, researchers and practitioners. School effectiveness is most pervasive yet least researched area. The study of school effectiveness began in the United States with many qualitative studies and has emerged as a popular topic amongst educational researchers lately. This book deals with the correlates of school effectiveness from the point of view of learner and institution. The learner ...