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According to Manu- "Vedas are primary source of religion", the Puranas, however, are the essence of the religion of Hindu society. Puranas are also regarded as the chief source for the detailed explanation of the Vedas. They, therefore, occupy a significant place in the ancient literature of India. The Puranas have obtained the name of Pancalaksana because their contents generally embrace five topics namely (1) Primary creation or cosmogony (2) ...
The Upanisads are Philosophical and theological mystical treatises forming the third division of the Veda; the preceding portions being the Mantras or Hymans, which are largely prayers, and the Brahmanas or sacrificial rituals 'the utterance, successively, of poet, priest and philosopher. There are two great departments of the Veda. The first is called Karma-kanda, the department of works, which embraces both Mantras and Brahmanas; and is followed by the vast ...
The Mahabharata is a curious mixture of history and mythology, though the former aspect is the subject of grave doubts in the minds of the professional historians. This is called the fifth Veda and it is universally acknowledged to be of pre-eminent importance. It extols its greatness itself in the following words: Yad ihasti tad anyatra yan nehasti na tat kvacit (Whatever is here is also elsewhere; whatever is not here is extant nowhere). It contains not only ...