Parimal Publications
133 books
Dancing is an art. It is associated with human and is closely related to culture and civilization of a country and its people.
The art of Yaksagana comes under the Dest type of dance. The costal districts of Karnatak viz. North-Kanara, and South-Kanara are known well for the sounds of Cande, Maddale graceful dance, enrapturing costumes and make-up and melodious music of Yaksagana.
The fine art Yaksagana is a controversial art among the folk as well as classical ...
Today people in the East and west have lost faith in the mainstream religions and yet continue to understand that their life is not meaningless. Naturally they turn to the Philosophy of Yoga to unravel the power of their internal realm. The philosophy of Yoga deals with the mysteries of Creation, Universe and the life on the planet earth. It encourages a seeker to explore as to where we came from purpose of our existence and the problems of survival since the ...
The Buddhist philosophy attracts special attention of the scholars for its unique ideas and opinions. One is always fascinated to see, how great thinkers have developed the ethical teachings of Lord Buddha in the form of many logical doctrine.
Ratnakirti, the disciple of Jnanasrimitra, has written many philosophical essays to save and establish the Buddhist position. The work ‘Ksanabhangasiddhi’ of Ratnakirti is one of the most important work on ...
Everybody is conscious of the erosion of moral values, widespread corruption, dereliction of duty, social conflicts, religious intolerance and rampant in-discipline. But there are genuine difficulties ideological, psychological and practical which need to be studied, sorted out and clarified before any effective measures can be taken to solve the problems. Various offorts have been made in the past by different education commissions and committees to prepare a ...
Sanatana Dharma means the Eternal Religion, the Ancient Law, and it is based on the Vedas, sacred books given to men many long ages ago.
While the Sruti and the Smrti are the foundation and the walls of the Sanatana dharma, there are two other important supports like buttresses; the Puranas, and the Itihasah, History.
This book is an extract from the most important scriptures of Hindus viz., Sruti (that includes four Vedas), Smrti (that includes institutions of ...
Indian School of Spirituality (Adhyatmavada) is the beacon light in this materialistic age. The Vedas are the foundation of al l orthodox Schools of Indian Spirituality. The School of Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa), which is affiliated to the end portion of the Vedas, is now widely accepted by the spiritual seekers. There are three schools of Vedanta Viz., Davaita (Dualism), Vishista Dvaita (Qualified non-Dualism) and Adaita (Non-Dualism). Advaita is the culmination of ...
The Mahabharata is a unique phenomenon in the literary history not only of India but of the whole word. The numerous variants, additions and omission, which distinguish various versions of the Mahabharata, are indicative of the dynamic character of the Epic. In the Mahabharata, the interchane of the three sibilants occur more than hundred times with the root meaning to slp. The study of the manuscripts clearly indicated that it is the grammatical and metrical ...
The Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is treatise on liberation. It is considered as the most Holy Scripture in the world by all the seekers of liberation irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, and nationality. The Gospel of the Bhagavad-Gita is based on the perennial philosophy of embodiment of the Absolute Self, imparted this Gospel to Arjuna in order to dispel delusion.
The goal of holy life is the total elimination of all mental taints and cravings leading to the ...
According to Yaska- An innovative thing irrespective of being its old is called Purana. Besides the eighteen Maha-Puranas, there are another set of the Purans known as upa-Puranas, which are more sectarian in nature. They are comparatively later in date having as well some historical background.
Nrsimha Purana occupies an important place among the upa-Purans and like other Puranas, this is also considered to be compiled by Vyasa. On the contrary, every Purana ...
In the Indian tradition, the most ancient Smrti has been created by Prajapati Manu. It is the oldest and most authentic text of Human Theology. Many directives of the Manu Smrti can be seen in the great epic Mahabharata also compilation of which began in the Dvapara Yuga. Manu Smrti contains about 2600 slokas in the 12 chapters. The main contents of the 12 chapters speak about the different ways in which a human can get happiness. The main topics are : the ...
Under the series of Smrtis collectively known as Dharma-sastra, Visnusmrti or Vaisnava Dharma-sastra occupies an unique place. There are many smrtis ascribed to the names of various Rsis like Vyasa, Parasara, Manu, Yajnavalkya, Atri etc. But visnusmrti is famous after the name of lord Visnu himself. This foremost of the Dharma Sastras ha been promulgated b y the god himself.
It contains one hundred chapters in total. In the beginning of this treating, lord visnu ...
Gleaning from the Ancient Indian Phonetics” Present a comprehensive analysis of science of phonetics completely extracted from the essence of siksas, explanatory and regulative text of pronunciation of Vedic mantras by which the layman gets a clear view of pada, varna, matra, bala, sama, and Santana. The author has intently looked into the phonetical patterns and substances of each and every siksas ascribed to four Vedas, again she tries of explain the ...
The volume is concerned with the Brhajjatakam (sixth century AD) by Varaha Mihira who is regarded as unparalleled in his knowledge of astronomy and geography in ancient India. The work is considered as one of the most authoritative treatises on the science of Hindu horoscopy. The present edition includes the Sanskrit text of Brhajjatakam along with an English translation which is supported with various examples and notes. There is an index of verses at the end ...
The Original Bhagavad Gita contains the rare verses and the total number of verses in it is 745, which is in confornity with the Gitamana verse of the Bhishma parva of the Mahabharata. A millennium ago Abhinavagupta included some rare verse in his commently on the Bhagavad Gita. The Kashmiri version of the Bhagavad Gita brought out by Schraeder in the early last century contained rare verses. The book, published by the Gondal pith, based on an ancient manuscript ...
The Puranas are invaluable and significant sources of Indian culture. The Pauranic tradition preserves different aspects of Indian religions practies, philosophical musings, literary developments and cultural expressions. The development of the Puranas had been simultaneous with the development of Indian cultural. They may be regarded as the ever-developing encyclopaedia of Indian culture.
The Sun-worship is an ancient tradition of India which originated in the ...