54 books
In the North-East of India there are seven states called seven sisters namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura. To the north of Assam lies the Union Territory of Arunachal Pradesh, the land of the Rising Sun. Modern history of Arunachal Pradesh, begins with the inception of British rule in Assam after the treaty of Yandaboo concluded on 24 February 1826. Assam was known as Pragijotisha or the place of eastern astronomy ...
It has been a proven historical fact that ‘Pakistan’ emerged on the scene of world-nations as a result of ‘two-nation’ theory of M.A. Jinnah. And since the day of Partition, Pakistan has remained hostile and inimical towards India. Besides Pakistan’s aggression on Kashmir, Indo-Pak war in 1965 and 1971 and recent Pakistani invasion on Kargil, Pakistan has been in perennial proxy war with India through cross-border terrorism. India’s fine gesture and ...
Encyclopaedia of Sikhism (2 Vols.), contains all about the great religion which emerged as in independent, conspicuous and sovereign dispensation. The volumes complete comprehensive references from A–Z about the Sikh religion viz. Sikh scriptures, philosophy and doctrine, mythology, theology, Guru Granth Sahib, hymns, the Great Gurudwaras associated with the lives of Great Gurus, and the incidents associated with them, references to socio-religious movements, ...
Great Gurus of the Sikhs in six volumes is a monumental work by the editor drawing every succinct information on each of the ten Sikh Gurus from unapproachable historical and religious sources. These volumes should not be treated simply as biographical sketches of their teachings, philosophies, travelogues. But their sufferings and sacrifices for the country, their mythological and theological aspects, socio-economic reforms, their political contentions and wars ...
Guru Arjun Dev, the fifth Guru, is central most firure of the Sikh Theocracy and by virtue of his unique personality, he is most brilliant star in the galaxy of seers, saints and sages. Students, teachers, and scholars of comparative religion and philosophy will find this book informative and useful. Besides this priests and people having religious bent of mind will also find this most interesting.
The credit for Independence of India from the British Colonial rule, goes collectively to the Indian Patriots and Indian National Congress. All India National Congress was founded in 1885 by Mr. A.O. Hume. The history of Indian National Congress is in fact the history of Freedom Struggle in India which faithfully accounts the true political history of Modern India. This set of four volumes on All India National Congress weaves an authoritative history of India, ...
The All-India Muslim League and Mr.Jinnah played a dominant role in pre-partitioned India and the League to some extent was instrumental in securing Pakistan for those who desired Pakistan on the basis of 'Two Nation Theory.' This set of two volumes, encyclopaedic in nature, contains comprehensive details on Muslim League. The material is compiled from authoritative and inaccessible sources. No doubt, this will prove vade mecum for the students, scholars ...
The present work in two volumes are devoted to the pre-Independence movement of National Liberal Federation of India, and the active role it played in mobilizing public opinion for India's independence. It also contains the constitution of the Party and full account of the various sessions, Resolutions, meetings held etc. Certainly, this will prove an authoritative reference as well as text for students and academics alike. And full account of the various ...
The present book minutely and earnestly narrates all the political events of the Home Rule League Movement in the first part, All India Moderate Conference in the second part and All India Khilafat Movement in the third part. Encyclopaedic in nature, this volume will prove an authoritative reference work for the scholars and academics of Indian Political and Social History.
Hindu Mahasabha had been the leading spokesman of the problems of the Hindus in pre-Independent India. The Hindu Mahasabha in its aims and objectives in 1907 detailed that it will promote brotherly feelings amongst the various sections of Hindu Community, to improve moral, intellectual and material conditions of Hindus, to help destitute and disabled Hindus, to act as trustees of properties an may be entrusted to the Sabha. With the passage of time Hindu ...
Kabir (1398-1518 AD) is revered as a Vaishnavite Bhakta by Hindus while the Muslims revere him as a peer, the Sikhs call him a Bhagat and the Kabir Panthis worship him as God incarnation. Kabir is considered a champion of Hindu-Muslim unity, a reformer, an opponent of the caste system, and strong supporter of the down-trodden. Indian society at the time of Kabir was full of evils, like blind faith, hypocrisy, caste distinctions and many more. The present work ...
Sant Namdeva (1270 A.D. - 1350 A.D.) was one of the most outstanding saints from Maharashtra. He devoted his life for the emancipation of the downtrodden and stood for high ideals of universal brotherhood in the true tradition of Hindu thoughts. He was a saint poet who in his teachings placed a special emphasis upon the purity of heart, humility, self surrenders, forgiveness and the love of God. Besides biography of Namdeva, this book portrays a vivid description ...
Goswami Tulsidas, the celebrated author of Ramcharitamanas is revered as a great saint who made available the great epic to one and all in the spoken language of people. This book presents a unique blend of synthesis of readings on Goswami Tulsidas's personality, devotion and dedication to Lord Rama, critical appraisal of his works, miraculous anecdotes and a graphic account of contemporary social history.
Baba Srichandraji (or Shri Chand) (1494-1629) the elder son of Guru Nanak was the founder of ascetic sect of Udasis. Baba Srichandraji, who propagated Vedic religion and championed to help save Hindu religion, should be recorded in the annals of Indian history in golden words. This pioneering effort to record Baba Srichandraji Maharaj's biography, miracles and preachings, gives a vivid account of contemporary socio-political history also.
Surdas (b 1478 AD) is regarded as sun in the domain of Hindi poetry. A staunch devotee of Lord Krishna, a great saint, poet singer belonging to Bhakti cult (Pushtimarga), he is known for his great works viz. Sursagar, Sahitya Lahari, Sur Saravali, and Bhramar Geet. Apart from songs of entreaty, childhood, love and separation, Surdas has written songs of ceremonies, celebrations, and of seasons. Even if one ignores the religious aspect of Surdas, the fact remains ...
As is obvious from the name of the title of the book contains authoritative information about the following Political Parties: The All-India Ahrar Conference; The All-India Azad Muslim Board; The All-India Anti-Compromise Conference; The All-India Aryan Congress; All India Depressed Classes' Conference; Forward Bloc; The All-India Hindustani Sevadal conference; The All India Harijan Conference; The All-India Jat Conference; The All-India Kshatriya Mahasabha; The ...
After 52 years of Independence instead of consolidation of political ideology in our country it is an irony of fate that the number of National Political Parties is decreasing and the number of Regional Political Parties is increasing. Our destiny makers change their loyalties over night. The political parties do not waste any time to drift from the aims and objectives and even from their constitution to have alliance with such political forces with whom they ...