Showing all 3 books
The book deals with the various aspects of universal education as this has become a necessary agenda for all countries the world over. Education opens the eyes of those who were, or are, deprived of its opportunities. It is an instrument and source of all progress and also for development in various fields of human life. That is why India has given a significant place in educational plans and projects to provide universal education to all sections of our society. ...
The world today ails from inadequate education and lack of occupational guidance and training to the younger generation. The result is unemployment, illiteracy and ills of mismanagement. There is, in fact, frustration and anxiety among the youths. It is because of the dearth of occupational guidance, schools and colleges in the developing and underdeveloped countries. The present study deals with many of the aspects of vocational education, which is essentially ...
The book has been written by one one who knew Jawaharlal Nehru well and watched him at close quarters for years together. The authenticity of the facts is beyond question because Tandon knew Nehru very well and intimately. He presents vignettes regarding glimpses of Nehru's dauntless courage, generosity, irritability, his personal joys and suffering, and warmth of his heart.